Are we glossing over the fact that Kristof insisted on "he deserves the presumption of innocence"? Yeah, no thanks.
Are we glossing over the fact that Kristof insisted on "he deserves the presumption of innocence"? Yeah, no thanks.
I went to a private high school that was run by a cult (seriously, a cult). A friend got injured during a lacrosse game, was coughing up blood. Instead of taking him to the ER, a group of cult members encircled him and began to chant/lay hands. Not exactly an exorcism, but I got the heebiejeebies. The cult would…
GLENLIVET. I'm a scotchophile, but I usually strongly dislike bourbon. Macallen and Glenfidditch any day!
LUMBERJACKS. Hell yes to this.
Teaching my fiance to crochet was such a fun and attractive experience. He has massive hands, so he struggled at first with the smaller hooks. I love seeing him get all focused trying to stitch.
I second the need for a female version of this. That said, I'd like to offer my list of attractive male behaviors. First, Mr. Astrophy has this tendency towards the cliché romantic that is just adorable. For example, when I got out of the shower, I noticed that someone had previously written. "you are sexy" on the…
My almost-spouse has thick framed glasses. Love it!! What really does it for me is his face when he cooks (he's a chef). I love watching how intensely he focuses on each separate piece of a dish, but also how each movement is so controlled, methodical, purposeful, etc. I will jump on the forearm train and say when he…
Exactly this. I just wanted clarification. People often misunderstand autism, so I was hoping the implication wasn't something along the lines of "She murdered someone...oh, of course, she's autistic!" :)
What does autism have to do with killing someone? Schizophrenia, maybe, because that can lead to delusions, paranoid thinking, hallucinations, etc.
I'd be very interested to know the genders of the people Googling. Are mothers more likely to google about their daughters, and are fathers more likely to google about their sons? Or are they more likely google different things?
Thank you! Whenever people get upset at this and argue it's racist, I honestly thought that was the point. When I look at the image, it reminds me of the commodification of the female body, especially when it comes to PoC. I thought this was a visceral illustration of racism. It's meant to disgust us and shock and…
I have similar body dysmorphia due to anorexia/bulimia. I will say one thing that really bothers me about treatments for EDs: if you don't lose enough weight to be dangerous, you aren't classified as anorexic or bulimic. My mom got me sent to a hospital before I got dangerously underweight, but my habits were…
Thank you! He's immensely talented, and he is really well educated on nutrition/food politics. I trust him implicitly when it comes to food.
Exactly! I tried once (two years ago) to use one of those meal recording apps on my phone. It would give me a count of how many calories I was under for my daily limit. I couldn't handle it; I'd race myself to see how low I could go, and it became like facing the ED all over again. I can focus on healthy choices, and…
I actually have a rheumatologist, but he basically keeps telling me I have fibromyalgia and giving me meds that don't work. I stopped going to him. Now that I've had surgery, I should be getting better. I have some lingering problems with my SI joint that I hope therapy can fix, but there's always more surgery! :(
I wrote an article on my personal Kinja thingy (still don't know how this all works) about my experience with a horrible GP. She spent the entire time telling me how I need to eat better and count my calories (I have a healthy BMI and am a fucking size 4/6, WTF). I needed to embrace her philosophy for women in their…
Instead of trying to make a story out of small changes, I'd focus on the fact she was photoshopped and he wasn't. I know you mentioned it, but only briefly. I'd be interested to see if that pattern holds up.
And here I thought George Zimmerman was Hispanic....
I have a cat toy app for my ipad too! It simulates a laser pointer. It's really handy for when the cats need to play and I'm busy.
I don't believe capital punishment should be an option at ALL. That said, if murder and treason can earn a capital punishment, rape DEFINITELY should.