
Actually, that's a bit of a poor overgeneralization. Although a common symptom of AS is a tendency to "fixate" on certain subjects, interests, etc., I'd say a better description is that Aspies have all of the knowledge they need, but in social moments, they struggle to act or interpret the situation in socially

It makes a huge difference because you finally have a name to put to the collective sum of your quirks and social struggles. For my partner, it was about things finally making sense & finally having reasons/answers for the things you do.

Neither I nor my Aspie hubs saw any kind of bitchiness in this. Then again, we don't pick up on a lot of social nuances...

Baby, you can play with my G-string! ;) Errr, I mean, yes. I completely sympathize with your frustration. Also, they never seem to have vibrato despite the sound having very clear vibrato. Frustrating!

Clearly, we don't have the same uterus. My period is definitely me doubled over in agony.

Oh, of course. I hope I didn't come across as making some kind of objective statement. I just wanted to share my personal experience! I can't imagine having a child with someone that was the source of a pain like that.

Yes....and no. I agree that while whatever happened is fresh in your mind, you recoil from calling it by certain names. However, (for me, in my life) ten years gives me some strength to call it what it was. It helps me understand the panic attacks I still get when being intimate with my partner. It helps

YUL BRYNNER. My parents' attempts to Christianize me kept backfiring because the more we'd watch The Ten Commandments, the more I'd fall in love with the pharaoh....(also The King and I!)

Yes, yes, yes. Former violinist here. Drives me utterly bonkers when the bowing doesn't match the phrasing of the music that is playing. It doesn't work like that! :(

Completely. I think you're pointing out an inherent flaw in the judging of padded bras: "Clearly, women only wear them because they want to make their boobs look bigger." Isn't that a common misjudgment of women? That we only do things to further our appearance in some way? Actually, I wear them most often when I'm on

I'm not sure if you've misunderstood me or if you're adding to the conversation. I don't argue that your socially average male has the same problems as your socially average female, but as a gender fluid person, I object to the way you're using gender. However, male survivors have even LESS support than the female

I think neediness is relative. If person X is "needy" to person Y it means person X is wanting more than person Y can/wants to give. That said, I've had a lot of failed relationships, and the only one that has worked out is when I didn't give a flying fuck about whether I was needy or not. I was upfront and brutally

Beyond the fact that the "cover up, ladies" ads are inane, they repeat a CRUCIAL misunderstanding about rape. It's 90% of the time not about sexual lust, but about power. That's the whole "Slutwalk" premise. Women more often get raped in sweatpants, basketball shorts (my experience), or whatever than sexy ooooh-la-la

I didn't mean at all to imply you in particular were doing X or Y. It's just a trend I've noticed in Jezebel posts. I think the term "size queen" (which I had never heard until now) alone implies objectification. If you have a personal preference for a size range because of how you are stimulated, sexually, that's

I'm a woman, but I imagine, if I had a sensitive, nerve filled penis, I'd be hella concerned about where I stuck it. I can more easily empathize with the female side of things, but that doesn't mean I should discredit the male side of it. If you're going to get naked and jiggly with someone, nervousness about sticking

Just to add on to what you're saying here. I find there's a double standard in terms of knowledge of the opposite sex's body parts, too. Bear with me, but women like to hate on men who don't know how to find the G spot, please the clitoris, etc. Trust me, I've been with guys like that, and, yes, it's frustrating. Howev

And telling someone to fuck off is helpful?

Aesthetic taste isn't something we can help, but also something that I hope people will push their boundaries with. I feel the same way about many pleasures in life, e.g. food. Trying things you think you may not like can surprise you. That said, we have our preferences, and some of that can't be helped. I think

I don't think anyone is arguing that people who physically prefer sex with a specific size are objectifying their partners. Ranking people based on a measurement of a body part? That's objectifications, whether it's boobs, dick, or weight. I don't understand why it's okay to have drool fests over hunky hunks on

Constrict around implies girth, which is less of an issue I think. A close friend of mine prefers men who are longer because she enjoys the feeling of the pressure against her cervix. I have a very sensitive cervix, which my partner has to deal with, so... vaginas can stretch in terms of girth, but depth can be a