Betcha there are more Switches sold this Christmas than XBox’s or PS4's. Not sure I am going to say combined but maybe it’ll be kinda close.
Betcha there are more Switches sold this Christmas than XBox’s or PS4's. Not sure I am going to say combined but maybe it’ll be kinda close.
See if you can get some pictures for Jalop! Sounds cool.
That place is massive and also very well run. We used to go there from NJ to get service just because it was kinda fun.
This smexy beauty if the latest F-15 in production for Saudi Arabia. While not he “Silent Eagle” it packs quite the punch.
I work for a defense contractor and have seen one Aston. No Lambo’s though.
Love the classic Doom guy.
“Central” New Jersey.
I am a millennial and we have classes about budgeting and financial planning in school. Doesn’t mean people paid attention though.
Completely disagree with the assertion you base your premise upon.
Negative. The Marines and Spec Ops love that plane. Yes, it had many problems at first and is still kinda a bitch to land but it’s “relatively” safe for a military plane these days.
Yea, you are right. But the Marines are part of the Office of the Navy right? Right?...I’ll see myself out.
The Prius certainly seems to be doing well. I see tons of those things about than they are ugly as sin.
Do we know if only new episodes will be on there? Or will all the older episodes make the move as well?
Is Joycon any worse than joystick? No, you are just used to one not the other. I think it’s a fine name.
Don’t forget the superior Wing Commander 4 and he returned for Wing Commander Prophecy. He is also “filming” mo-cap work for Chris Roberts new single player campaign for Star Citizen.
I also hope there are more studio cross over’s like this down the line. I would love a Star Trek game from Paradox based on Stellaris or a Star Wars Total War game. Or a Firefly game from BioWare....idk.
Imperium Galactica 2 is still my favorite 4x space game. Haven’t played anything better yet.
They have a top dishwashers buying list. Not sure about the regret list though.