
I will never understand the childish anger of internet gamer bros. I get the social/cultural/political roots of it, I just can’t imagine being so angry over something so miniscule. I like to believe it’s just teenagers who don’t know any better, but it’s so often overemotional adult men. It blows my mind every time

The link goes to a dead Facebook page. 

The link goes to a dead Facebook page. 

The links don’t seem to work for me right now. I get a Facebook error.

The links don’t seem to work for me right now. I get a Facebook error.

For each of the five AAA games I’ve shipped, I have seen you recycle lies and call it coverage.

I have no idea what this is about, but if you have something you want to share or correct me on, my email is Happy to keep our correspondence private, if you’d like.

“Guns aren’t the problem. Look at Chicago, where there are strict gun crimes!”

This isn’t a “Gamer” thing (though those still clinging to the Gamergate banner are likely worthy of your scorn)—it’s a feckless fucking asshat thing.

People who have power fantasies that play themselves out in murdering other people with a gun, when those people have no means of fighting back are exactly the kind of

Jeeze, dude, why can’t you just say, ‘You know what? I was super pissed at someone and went for the meanest word I could think of in an act of immediate reprisal. I fucked up and it was wrong. I’m going to ensure this doesn’t happen again.’

Solid piece Cecilia. You and your co-workers have been rocking out some great long-form journalism lately. Keep up the great work.

Can’t say I really care that much about the game, so whatever extra time they need to make it come out better and surprise me would be good.

This is just another example of Valve punting away all responsibility.

It’s a stupid troll, take no notice.

Oh how soon you forget how women fighters in Battlefield 1 ruined the game’s realism.

Great comment, thank you! I just realized that “$30 per case” is unclear, and I’ve changed it to “$30 per set.” The price is for the set of 10 cases.

Hey. Procedurally generated BR maps. I think that would solve that craving of adventure and the unknown, keeping things fresh for a very long time.

It seemed fairly obvious in King of Kong that Mitchell was a cheater and that the Twin Galaxies management was willing to turn a blind eye to it for whatever reason. So I’m glad that the new management there has reversed course and is willing to kick Mitchell off his ill-gotten pedestal.