
“As always, these games are only “free” if you have an active Xbox Live Games with Gold subscription.”

And I appreciate the vote of confidence.

I’m not perfect. I’m just as likely to have my head up my ass on any given topic as the next person is—but I hope I’m becoming a little more thoughtful as middle age sets in.

I’m going to take your rejoinder with a grain of salt given my experiences with your comments up until this point; you’ve got a definite ideological standpoint (as do I; I’m not about to pretend I’m above all of this), and claiming some kind of balanced platform is, in a word, laughable.

It’s an opinion piece, appended to a blog that often features opinion pieces.

The primary divide between this opinion piece and others on larger, more prominent platforms (looking at you, Cillizza) is that Nathan took the time to break down the primary components of the controversy, to explain why each side feels the

Y’know what? Thanks for taking the time to break things down to the level you did; there’s a tendency in current social discourse to immediately take the most emotionally-reflexive and intellectually simple reaction to any situation, and I really appreciate that you slowed down and broke this situation into its

*sigh* nope, this is not clever and no, you’re not being smart.

Or more specifically they become locked until you resubscribe.

Saw this earlier this morning. Bevin’s always been a horse’s ass; dude won what should’ve been a shoo-in election for his Democratic rival because a bunch of Dem-registered voters stayed home, assuming he’d get wrecked (I shit you not; I lived in Kentucky at the time).

One of Bevin’s other greatest hits, besides

You’re first mistake is joining party chats with 15-year-old vapers

I’m expecting Crackdown 1/2 to be preorder bonuses for Crackdown 3. It hasn’t happened as much lately, but a lot of studios have used BC as a promotional tool Preorder Rainbow Six Siege, you get Rainbow Six Vegas 1/2 codes. Buy Gears of War 4 digitally, you get codes for Gears 1/2/3 emailed to you. Preorder Fallout 4,

The Crackdown games (likely beginning with the first) will almost certainly be rereleased around the time of Crackdown 3's release. I wouldn’t be surprised if the first game is a Games With Gold selection in March or April.

Love Xbox One backwards compatibility. I’ve been able to go back and play so many games I previously missed. I’m really disappointed with Sony’s decisions on BC and their poor selection on PS4. I especially don’t want to repurchase games I already own on PS3.

Everything isn’t up to Microsoft. It’s up to the developers and publishers to agree on allowing Microsoft to re-package the game to work on Xbox One consoles. If the publisher says no, there’s nothing Microsoft can do.

And if you want to support the progressive running against Rohrabacher this fall:

“I didn’t get anyone killed because I didn’t discharge a weapon, and because...”


Fuck you.

If you made that call, you are at fault, full stop.

It’s a fucking video game. Get your shit together and be a decent human being, or see yourself into the care of those who will prevent you from harming others over your tiny

Internet comment sections literally ANY time a medical/scientific/psychology professional even glances at gaming with a critical eye.