
Why would they be struck in the first place? Do these cars have a murderous spirit in them where they mow down people for no reason? If only these cars are controlled by a group of people that the government has tested and given a certificate that says they are able to control such machines without killing anybody.

Since “Make it $90,000 cheaper” isn’t an option, I’ll pass.

Don’t forget “sir, put your hands behind your back.”

Hondas are vegetarians

Good Jeans that fit my body are very hard to find, so I tend to buy too many, then settle into a few pair that feel “right” to me.

Good Jeans that fit my body are very hard to find, so I tend to buy too many, then settle into a few pair that feel

wow this is a long ass post about a fucking youtuber. chill out pussy

I’m surprised nobody has yet expressed their intense rage at “5 of the most unique Porsche factory models”.

Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders

I’ve got envy and glutteny - does that count? .. and I covet many neighbors’ wives!

The crowds will never hear it coming.

In his defense, who hasn’t wanted to beat a car salesman with a golf club?

Let’s be honest: those goofy scratch off tickets and fake keys that are mainstays of traveling circus shitshows like OnPoint and Redline are sleazy and are very effective at producing streams of irritated people that believe that they actually won something, all in the hopes that 0.5% of them will turn out to be

If you have a fetish for sleeping with your hand between 2 pillows this is the perfect car.

It’s a fucking tragedy that cake hasn’t had a new album in like 6 years.

Jo(h)n Voight is on line 2...

Is super drunk above or below stupid drunk? Asking for a friend.

VIDEOGRAPHER: Man, what a creep, right? Hold on, let me see if I can get a closer shot of his crotch.

You are a poor, demented idiot.