
How do you reach adulthood without figuring out how to talk to a friend about money? This isn’t hitting up an aquaintance for a loan or asking for a raise. This is being able to say “are we splitting this cab?” or “I got this.” It should not be hard.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: You’re bloggers, man. Live somewhere cheaper.

You’ve failed, Near-Sighted Mustang

LMOA, every time I hear the “he’s compensating for a lack of something else” line, I wonder who really has that problem. ; )

Construction workers on the scaffolding probably thought that they were safe.

Counterpoint: Dude is being completely upfront about how dangerous it is and trying to cut his losses.

I dunno, I think he’s being perfectly open about it. The asshole thing to do, in my opinion, would be to mention how stable it is and that he just has to sell because he doesn’t have space or something. He’s not forcing anyone to buy it and he’s saying flat-out that he thinks it’s dangerous... but if someone else

We do use “cunt”, you cunt.

Yeah, I have a hard time seeing it as anything else too. It’s amazing how naked women can be used as a symbol for nearly anything. Thing is, no matter what the subject, it’s still objectification. This thing is especially dubious since it’s a white dude yelling “for our daughters!” LOL, wut?

If he asked for 100 women and their cats he could have gotten them all from Jezebel.

Personally, I did Nazi anything wrong with it.

God bless you, kindred spirit.

Aside from the texting maybe she has a reasonably cool retro fixation. I was obsessed with Dodge Aspen wagons as a teen in mid-1990s. (I was the COOLEST.)

And he’s gonna make the Chinese build it.

I’m generally nonplussed by fairly regular supercar sightings around town but a mint-condition Citation has and will always illicit a genuine “WOW!” from me. I’d lose my mind if I saw an X-11.

Wow. Donald Trump was not kidding about hitting China where it hurts.

*99.3% of cities

*the vast majority of cities

I know what you mean. I was following my brother who drives a 986S, and people would go out of their ways to act like an asshole towards him, whether it was cutting him off or lifted trucks rolling coal on him.

Kodak could totally use this exposure in the press. Even if it's negative.