
Having spent 5 years getting a BS, and 2 more getting an MS, I knew a lot of people who were there to get high and dick around in some idiotic major. I get what you are saying about higher education being more than skills, but then why is this the privy of college grads? The very notion of free college is a horribly

I personally am not an assembly tech or soldering machine operator, so you could say I know nothing about those tasks.

Germany competes well with their highly paid labor (although a caveat is they typically compete in and dominate niche manufacturing markets). However, they have a solid educational track for trade skills that doesn’t exist here. Instead of offering up free college for kids to get wasted and take art history for 7

I’d agree that low wage is why we lost it, but even if wages were equal now it’s almost impossible to bring it back. There’s probably nowhere in the US where you could mobilize 1000 moderately skilled and experienced electronic assembly and operators, let alone 100,000.

There are some factory cities in China that can mobilize 100,000 workers, literally overnight, to start production on a new phone. The US lost that capacity and skill long ago, and it will not return until manufacturing tech changes significantly, enough to make all the capital investments and workforce in China

Meh. I have a few friends like you on facebook. Ranting and raving about how this group does that to the other group, how those people are evil, etc. Meanwhile their own lives are a steaming shit heap because they can’t manage their own interpersonal relationships and lives.

Well, from what I understand, it’s not their land.

SLI really became less necessary with pascal now on the scene. I broke the bank on my new build with those m.2 Sammies and a GTX1080. I’m broke now :-(

I never understood the cult-like appeal of Macs. I had a MBA and MBP for a few years, and ended up switching back. Personally, I just found window management to be better on PC particularly with multi-monitor setups. I still have those devices and they’re great for email and web, but when it comes to real productivity

Yep, those people are really saying...

Maybe the election has made me an extreme cynic, but all news has an agenda. It’s only more blatant when somebody is publishing anonymous quotes as something to take seriously. It has the same gravitas as dropping the “people are saying” line, or reporting on tweets of some random person on Twitter. Of course people

True, and it’s sort of like why bother with m.2 if you don’t get PCI-E version like a Samsung 950 rather than an m.2 SATA drive. From what I’ve read the Intel PCI card is the fastest right now for consumer drives in random reads & writes.

Yeah, that system is primarily used for gaming and I just did it because I wanted to see if it would work. I don’t think 3x RAID is that much faster than 2x, certainly not in real world performance.

You don’t know that - they could be entirely made up, embellished versions of the truth, or the truth. There’s no way to verify anything with an anonymous post. Also, in an organization of a million+ workers, I’m sure you could find a few of them who think Trump was the messiah going to fix everything. The whole

Preserving modularity compromises performance.

Is it plausible? Most nonsense that spreads has to be somewhat plausible. But even if it’s real, these are the opinions of a few people among millions of government workers. I don’t think you can give too much weight to it.

It’s the same. We don’t know who these people are and on top of that even if we did, it’s a tiny sample of a few people of the millions of people that work for the government. It’s nonsense.

I don’t know. Posting opinions of “anonymous government workers” is kind of like Trump’s “people are saying” nonsense.

You don’t think that reafrimed a lot of poeples beliefes about Clinton? A good portion of Trump voters said their vote was as much anit-Clinton as it was pro-Trump.