
I’ve got both Vive and Oculus, and you’re right the controllers on the Vive make VR gaming a different animal. A few downsides though - the Vive headset is shit compared to Oculus - with Oculus you have integrated headphones and it’s far more comfortable and adjustable. I’m cursing at the tangle of cables every time I

You gave no examples of anyone coercing you to religion, it’s you who don’t have any facts. Personally, I don’t follow any religion and at best am an agnostic deist. But, I’ve traveled enough to know that people and cultures find solace in things I don’t understand. It’s grating to me that bigoted little weasels need

Abortion is not a religious issue. The main question for that topic is when does “life” begin - at what point do we afford an individual all protections and rights under the law? Nothing whatsoever to do with religion. Banning sharia law would seem to be anti-religious. And really, are you coerced to pray if they

Holding an opinion on abortion and stem cell research is not a religious issue. Both are about defining when life begins, not about religious texts - sure some people may form their position on an issue based on religious beliefs, but that’s not against the law last time I read. You might as well say “welp, the bible

What politician is forcing what religious views on you? I’m not religious and I feel no pressure whatsoever to go to a church (I don’t), adopt some religious view or any religious practice. You are quite the victim...

Meh, why are people getting so worked up about this? New mosques, Buddhist temples, churches, etc are built everyday. I’m not religious, but I’d visit the hell out of this thing if I lived near it. Who doesn’t like huge boats, especially built from wood?

I read a fairly exhaustive overview in The Economist maybe 5 years ago on vertical farming. The main limitation is energy. You simply can’t produce energy cheap enough to make it economically competitive to regular farms. Until you get a mini nuclear plant in the basement of the tower, vertical farms will be research

I would speculate labor costs aren’t too terrible, but pension costs for GM are around $2000/vehicle. How much all the airbags, crumple zones, and other regulatory requirements are is a good question.

“Teens defying their older colleagues to go it alone, fighting crime and generally being all hopeful and grassroots-y while doing so.” This sounds like something designed in a horrible meeting of corporate suits.

Broadly speaking, in college the people majoring in education were the floozies and drunks, maybe even more so than the communications majors.

It’s not about education or stupidity. It’s the simple fact that your average person does not / cannot spend enough time to understand an issue to create an informed opinion. Representative democracy (in theory) is a good concept - elect people you trust to spend all their time to understand issues and cast a vote

Yeah, there’s not question that direct democracy is a terrible way to do things. You can’t expect people who spend a few minutes reading about a complex topic to make a sound decision on such a complex issue. Personally I think all referendums, ballot initiatives (here in the States) are just idiotic. The US is a

Referendums are probably the worst form of governance. Look at the nonsense passed by California and so many other states. Direct democracy almost always doesn’t work, you can’t have millions of people informed only by only the two minutes they spent learning about an topic cast a definitive verdict on a complex

I guess I should know better by now. “Unearthly sound” = “totally ordinary sound caused by water currents”.

I would think if you took out the fat, all you’d have left is sugar, which is arguably worse for you.

Yeah, I don’t think I would share articles from any Gawker property. I’d like to think I have a modicum of dignity and am not a ranting and raving political fundamentalist.

To be fair, you see that with haters and fans. People are too lazy and too impatient, and just gotta get to the comments to post their witty remark in support of, or antipathy to, the headline.

I believe Gawker calls that behavior “hate reading”. There was an article about that once.

You can’t take away my God given right to protect my sidewalks from pedestrians.

I guess that means you think Maddie and Alyssa are respectable science journalists. LOL!