
Calling Maddie a “science writer” is a stretch. The article on global warming causing British ships to malfunction was the most idiotic piece I’ve seen on Gizmodo. She should be ashamed of herself for that nonsense. Mia’s pretty good though.

Let’s be honest, most of the science content on gawker sites is absolutely idiotic except for Ria. Maddie and Alyssa’s style is more at home on gawker than on a science site.

I really hate the political memes. People accept at face value that a few sentences put on a picture are true, then share them because it fits their gut views about the world. The shit from Upworthy and Occupy Democrats is the worst (my politically “active” friends are mostly left wing so I’m not saying there’s not

I believe the data you posted, and yes I believe global warming is human caused and needs immediate action. I also believe that to say a few degrees increase in temperature caused the ships to malfunction is fucking ridiculous and stupid. Nobody anywhere in the sources has made that claim.

What? That statement says absolutely nothing about global warming. it says the ships weren’t designed to be used for extended periods in the Gulf.

I’m not sure what your point is. Yes, the Persian Gulf is a shallow body of water, and as a result experiences wide swings in temperature. This is a regular occurrence. Where did anybody but Alissa claim that climate change caused the ships to malfunction?

Isn’t that really the problem in politics today? Somebody puts forth a dumb opinion, so the other side counters with an even more outrageously stupid one?

I’m not even sure this even qualifies as “anecdotal evidence”. This is a blogger making a leap to say that global warming has caused the ship to malfunction. On the surface it sounds absolutely idiotic - a half a degree one way or the other would be well within the engine’s design rating. Also, in the link to the

I hate that C3PO and R2D2 are in all Star Wars movies. It’s a completely ridiculous plotline - how much mental gymnastics do you have to do to make that work? It’s only there because of money grubbing toy branding.

What? Yeah, Trump’s a moron, but come on you have to be honest that the violence at Trump rallies are instigated by the protesters. Extremism begets extremism. Frankly, if we could shuffle off the protesters and Trump supporters to some island to kill each other, America would be a better place.

What they hell are you talking about? Exactly one person died from Fukushima. How many die annually from oil refinery explosions, fossil fuel transport accidents, even falling off roofs installing solar panels? You are superstitious of nuclear power.

Most food is genetically modified. Pigs, wheat, barley, and goats were genetically modified around 9000 years ago to be domesticated. These animals and plants don’t exist in nature.

Actually I don’t expect facebook to do a thing. It’s on the individual to be skeptical of everything they see in media. Media’s purpose is to maximize ad dollars, which is easily done by sensationalism and outrage.


Vaccine hysteria is dangerously stupid. It could literally cause another epidemic and directly kill a large amount of people. The whole anti-GMO / organic craze causes farms to be less efficient, and contributes to global warming (and we all know farming is the major contributor to CO2 emissions). Those things

Not censorship, privacy. Media blackouts during trials are common practice in some countries.

I don’t believe the public has a right to show trials and media circus. In France for instance, the accused does have a right to anonymity.

My post was not about this case, the meme’s reminded me of the facebook posts you see that ask for vigilante justice. In any case though, mob justice isn’t justice - the ones who should decide the accused fate are the jury and judge who heard all the evidence, heard the arguments, met the people involved, and in

Well, it’s one thing to have gossip about someone (which everyone has), and another to broadcast it on the internet, be hounded out of a job, and your career ruined.