also, lactose-intolerant here.
also, lactose-intolerant here.
I know! I love it too. I’m also ashamed to admit that his rheumatic-foot-thing has a far better pedi than I have had in years.
Is it Essie Wicked?
an interview with ryan lochte a few years ago. he left the interviewers in tears...of laughter (not good laughter, either).
This was an idiot on the field incident as they say on Also, some random guy ran up and interrupted the show from the crowd.
I’m surprised Ryan was able to complete a full turn around the dance floor without Michael Phelps lapping him.
“I regret saying half - that was wrong”
You know what else is real, Yoko? The Oxford comma is real.
My parents stayed together in love until the day they each died.
in re: that Bella Hadid shot up top: Morticia from the neck up, Debbie from the clavicles down?
But then he would be unable to compete in the “Hottest 90+-Year-Old Virgin in Literature” contest, along with Aragorn II son of Arathorn.
I don’t know why, but I find it hilarious to imagine a deleted scene where the dancers took Steve Rogers’ virginity.
Me too and I have no idea why because I’m not particularly fond of either one
What kind of monster eats dry hamburgers? They might as well dump ketchup on it.
Oh my gosh, 3 months of dating is almost like no time at all if you’re not famous. You’re dating just long enough to discover the other person doesn’t like cheese on their hamburgers and GIRL THAT IS WHEN YOU KNOW IT IS OVER.
I read that EPN told Trump he wasn’t paying for lunch, either. So Trump paid with his Amex and left angry, before Trump’s ‘team’ sent out a message saying Trump and EPN agreed that the latter would pay for their next dinner, and dinner is more expensive than lunch, so Trump is a master negotiator.
Am I the only one who noticed she wrote #chili2k16
As someone who once lived in the Northeast of the U.S., I can state from experience that Les Québécois are some crazy folk. There’s a sweet spot halfway between NYC and Montreal where the locals spend the summer desperately dodging two different kinds of insane drivers and tourists.
It is.