
And isn't it ludicrous when Brosnan toasts "Welcome to Asia"? The film should at least have the guts to own up to which country it's going to demonise.

I never realized that it was possible for a man to have an expression of exasperated smirking until I saw that screenshot.

I also heard about Life is Strange because people on Reddit were attacking this game for having female protagonists with dyed hair. Because in their world view woman with dyed hair are automatically hateful misandrist whores.

Games like this seem even more important these days especially when there is a certain online gamer "movement" that is primed to hate games like this simply for focusing on a female perspective.

Or it's brain.

While we're talking about great Wasikowska performances she was fantastic in Tracks which was a lovely film that did not get the attention that it deserved, she deserved an Oscar nomination for her performance in it.

Have you tried Cable TV?

I liked it but it did take a noticeable dip in quality after the Season 2 budget cuts. Plus the Buy More material did overstay it's welcome by the end.

Strahovski managed to set new standards in been an objectified female lead on a network show, God bless her.

Do yourself a favour and do watch Gymkata. I never would have even hear about that film if not for HDTGM and it is indeed next level bonkers.

I'm looking forward to seeing Liam Neeson punching a group of samurai in the throat scored to "Gimme Shelter".

The most interesting thing abut that scene is that it features future Oscar winner Melissa Leo furtively eavesdropping on Gellar masturbating. Talk about paying your dues in Hollywood.

The funny thing is that Liam Neeson is playing more stereotypical Irish characters these days than he ever did in his prestige 90's films period. His characters now tend to be quick to violence, have serious drinking problems and are rather slow on the uptake.

I think that Cage should lead an intervention at Liam Neeson's house with Cage yelling at Neeson "I am your future Liam!".

My main memory of this show will be how cheap and awful looking the CGI credit sequence was.

It's absolutely a living nightmare. Hamm would not be able to interact with or take part of society. He wouldn't be able to talk to family or friends, it would be impossible for him to work and even something as simple as shopping for groceries would be very difficult. Both Hamm and Spall's digital clone received

Indeed but Michael Clarke Duncan R.I.P. was funny in it.

Between Gamergate and fans freaking out over black actors been cast in Star Wars and The Fantastic Four, 2014 was the year where it looked like many geeks are just basically assholes.

I have been watching Season 2 and i think that there is a sharp drop in quality. There are too many plot points that defy credibility and the show is suffering for the departure of the Season 1 director Jakob Verbruggen.

I give him credit for taking a stand against Gamergate. It would be easy and perhaps sensible for him to avoid commenting on it but he didn't wimp out so I'll give him credit for that. That said he can come off as slightly smarmy but there are worse sins in life.