
This article had the right idea when it analysed the best action action scenes that Anderson has directed. He has never directed a good film but he is a talented enough to have directed well choreographed action beats. Plus his action is coherently edited and shot and the audience will not lose their bearings trying

I honestly don't know which ones is hotter. They should have an oiled bikini fight to the death in order to determine the winner.

Poor sweet loyal to a fault Diggle. He is too polite to mention that his baby has a higher IQ than both Ollie and Roy combined.

Oliver's manly bare handed mountain climbing was also rather dumb. Dude you are about to have a duel to the death, maybe you should conserve your energy with some gloves, crampons and a pickaxe?

Given Reddit's perv track record it sounds like someone should call the police.

You're saying that he is the inevitable choice for the lead of a Half Life adaptation?

Maybe he wants to follow Mindy Kaling's career path of supporting ensemble cast player to lead of his own show. As much as I'll miss him on The Mindy Project I can't fault the man for having career ambitions.

Yeah Slade and and Sara made the flashbacks worthwhile. Plus now that we know how Oliver learned combat on the island they just seem redundant at this stage.

Angry hate sex is so much hotter when a woman's son is endangered.

Wolverine is going to be crazy jealous when Ollie bangs his bodyguard.

That car crash was ridiculous. It looked like Laurel had almost brought her car to a halt when she turned it sharply to throw Isaac out of the back seat. But in the next shot the car is out of control and crashing. It seemed like very sloppy continuity and editing to me.

Her death showed that you are allowed to have dramatic stakes which is a nice thing.

Actually Sean Bean has a preemptive offer to play Uncle Ben in every future Spider-Man reboot.

She had the best wardrobe of the 2014 autumn TV season. Hopefully she'll land another gig soon. Preferably on a premium cable network without any wardrobe at all.

In happier news according to Wikipedia there will be a new Christmas American Dad episode next month! The summary on Wikipedia reads "In a parody of It's a Wonderful Life, Stan wishes he could have Principal Lewis's life. His wish comes true, and Lewis gets the whole Smith family". So that's one reason to look forward

Hannibal is an international co-production which means that it does not cost NBC all that much to make and keep on the air despite it's low ratings.

"Hey baby, it's so sad that your sister is dead but what are you doing tonight?".

I just glad to hear that Neil Marshall is working. I just saw The Descent and it's awesome.

Was it just me or was Nyssa kind of flirting with Laurel when she told her that power comes from the hips?

Yeah it's kind of like Osama bin Laden decided to visit New York in order to take care of some personal business and didn't have to worry about been arrested or shot on sight. But Arrow does have a problem with credible plot points. Remember how Moira was almost elected mayor of Starling City despite taking part in a