
Janey-Z doesn't have to die in order to have her happiness and her life ruined. All she needs is for Diane and the Feds to show up and explain that her husband is not actually her husband. Bonus points if she somehow discovers that the real Dougie was actually a hollow decoy who was created to aid an agent of evil who

She is indeed a lovely widow.

Hey not let's not forget all the women posting nude selfies looking for affirmation from complete strangers. And all of the guys posting pictures of other men railing their wives. Ummm, I may be looking at different sub-Reddits than you guys.

It's kind of amusing reading about how the producers felt that they could not do justice to Mary's life story in a mere 78 episodes. It makes me wonder how will the forthcoming Saoirse Ronan film will manage it with just two hours to tell their tale.

That was the first show that I thought of when I heard about this. But then I realised that the budget of Flaked must be dirt cheap in comparison to Sense8. It takes places in one country and it has a small cast and zero action scenes. Ah well.

I know that I'll never look at margarine in quite the same way again.

Let's not forget the ongoing and graphic sexual traumatizing of poor little Bill as he repeatedly walks in on his various family members having sex.

It's to F is for Family's credit that it tackles class and money issues in a direct fashion that is still rare in American TV. It certainly contrasts favourably with shows like Modern Family where the main problem is worrying about the logistics of a luxury five star family vacation.

I really enjoyed how it presented the levels of the game as if they were TV episodes. Every level would end with a narrative cliffhanger followed by closing credits scored to a great song and then the next level would begin with a TV style "Previously on Alan Wake" recap. I've never seen that done on a game before, I

He also bland and deeply unimpressive in Anna Karenina. He singlehandedly undermined the film as it was hard to understand why Keira Knightly would throw away her social standing to shack up with such a complete dud.

I thought that the relationship as potrayed in this episode was funny and sexy and that is the kind of tone that plenty of onscreen couples has failed to have in other shows. It did seem a bit rushed on Jack's side. Ashi had shown some devotion by searching for Jack and rescuing him in the two previous episodes. But

The well choreographed fight scenes presumably make the showrunners of Iron Fist break down into tears.

It's a shame to hear that the series is going off the rails but at it's best the Fast series is the Scrodinger's Cat of movie franchises. In that it is simultaneously ridiculous and impossible to enjoy unironically while also been fucking awesome and genuinely emotionally engaging.

Bitcoin! I don't entirely understand what the hell they are but he should travel back in time and buy them before people pretended to understand what they are.

FYI It's streaming on UK Netflix.

In fairness that's been my guiding philosophy in life and it's done me no harm. Typing this while I should be working at my crappy job. Damnit.

I used to think that Jason Mantzoukas was the MVP on How Did This Get Made. But when June started to miss episodes because of maternity leave I realised how essential her perspective and humour is to the show. And she was completely right to ask what was a Streetfighter and I say that as someone who blew 80% of his

This show looks so cheap. From all of the boring boardroom scenes to the poorly choreographed fight scenes. It's slightly baffling when you contrast the production values of Ironfist with Daredevil or Jessica Jones. The fight choreography and cinematography are simply on a different level on Daredevil. So why does

A leather jacket that belonged to a single mother that he murdered. What a stud.

But he was cool and edgy and sexy. Plus he had good cheek bones. Surely that is what really matters in life?