
Well maybe Diggle picked up the soap in a deleted scene and he wanted to get himself checked out.

Or how about Pam Grier? She already played the role on Smallville and it would be a neat way to introduce an implied continuity on the CW superhero universe.

Except maybe the dumb lunk brunette and the smart blonde who deserves better might end up together this time around. Now that I've typed that I've realized that Felicity could do better that Oliver and I hope that she runs away with Chloe in a sweeps cross over stunt.

Plus Bing doesn't seem to bother with automatic safe search results.

Pawnee still use Alta Vista and they seem to be doing OK. Apart from the chronic obesity and casually racist murals in public buildings.

I would have shot him in the face. But that's just me.

I think you mean…Carlos Danger!

I'm feeling nostalgic for the drunken leprechaun Fassbender photo.

I'm pretty sure that there was full frontal Delaney in that film. From what I can vaguely remember they were real and they were spectacular.

There is not a single decent joke in the entire film which is pretty bad for a film that is meant to be a comedy. Plus Eddie Murphy's unseemly smugness begins to shine through here, he can't stop laughing at his own crappy jokes. But at the film reflects Scott's strengths as a director with the cracking horse track

Man On Fire is an excellent revenge film with great work from Denzel, Walken and Rourke. It's a politically incorrect delight.

I'm holding out for a Doodle Jump origin story movie.

The audience will only bother to watch this film in five minute chunks while taking an extended shit in their workplace bathrooms.

But Xander was a shitty boyfriend before he stood her up at the altar. He always acted embarrassed by her when she said something wacky and he never stood up for her to his judgmental friends (Willow in particular).

The weird thing is that I don't think that they even slept together. I guess that the CW didn't want high school age characters banging away on screen but it came across as ridiculous when the actors looked like ever minute of the late twentysomethings that they were.

Exactly. Willow was an awful partner to Tara. She's the magical equivalent of surface level nice person who turns into a controlling and abusive monster when things don't go her way. Tara could have done a lot better.

All I want from a Batman movie suit is for Batman to be able to move quickly and well. The Batman suit is obviously a big problem when it adapted to the cinema. Look at how lumbering and restricted Bale's movements were in the first Batman/Bane fight in Dark Knight Rises. All he could do was punch and throw elbows.

I think that I might be able to slide right in.

Looking at that picture it struck me that he has the wrong hair, the wrong nose and the wrong ears to play a conventionally handsome comic book hero. Also he may possibly have the wrong face.

It's an A plus if you apply the O'Dowd Metric given that is the first and maybe last superhero film he will appear in.