
Various films with Shannon Whirry, Mirror Images 2 been a highlight.

Are you trying to say that there can be only one?

He can coach Dinklage on the accent. And maybe play the role of a token Irishman who sees right through Dinklage's scam and hates his guts.

But what about the real victims here? The Irish, always the Irish.

I've seen a few episodes of this show and it never once alluded to the supernatural plot elements. The whole reincarnation thing seems like an awkard and irrelvent plot element in a legal dramedy.

Gregg is fine but the rest of the cast are a busted flush.

Also for a show that has a presumably high budget it looks surprisingly cheap. Maybe it's the flat cinematography or something. Plus the cast are bland as hell.

And 90% of that 0.87 million were people who left their living room to use the bathroom but forgot to turn off their TV before they went.

Dennis talking about how women aboard a boat would not refuse to sleep with him "because of the implication" was creepy and shamefully funny at the same time.

The Vatican stick their noses into the Middle East? I smell a sitcom. Or maybe a geopolitical nightmare.

Yeah. Clancy's portrayal of Northern Irish politics and terrorism were hardly nuanced. It felt like he was lifting a complex political situation to add some weight and exoticism to an airport thriller.

Plus he lent his imprimatur to the Splinter Cell games which are a lot of fun. I doubt that he had any real input into them but Clancy's political thriller style made for a good game series.

The amount of spycraft information and detailed information about the US military and Navy added a sense of verisimilitude to his work. Of course that verisimilitude was then undermined by his convoluted plots.

Fun fact about Tom Clancy, he kind of predicted 9/11 in his book "Debt Of Honor". In the book a deranged Japanese commercial airline pilot flies a 747 into the Capital Building during a joint session of congress. It was a plot device designed to allow his frequent protagonist Jack Ryan become the president, I kid you

Tony Soprano was not on imprisoned or killed (on screen that is). But the difference is that David Chase never lost track of what kind of monster he really was. In fact he went out of his way to underline this with Melfi diagnosing Tony as a sociopath and been rejecting Tony as a patient. It's a bit on the nose but

The episode Coma, Season 2 Episode 2 would be my pick. That's where Maddy has a vision of dear old Bob. The scene is skin crawling as Bob appears in the background of a single steady shot of a living room. The camera does not cut away as Bob slowly but steadily walks, climbs and then crawls directly toward the camera.

Or he buys out the Los Pollos Hermanos franchise and starts selling happy meals with a secret recipe blue candy.

@avclub-d9f98704e1610e7073dbee992ee1f381:disqus Emily Nussbaum has argued precisely that theory in the New Yorker.…

If Gilligan had the courage of his conviction he could have wrapped up the show with "Ozymandias". In that scenario Walter has metaphorically become the cancer that he was inflicted with. He has completely destroyed his family (and Jessie) and he is forced to run away to God knows where. Or how about an altered

Now I'm sad that Johannson has never taken her top off on Showtime.