Those ratings blew up like an incompetently run meth lab. Now that I think of it, did we ever see an exploding meth lab on Breaking Bad?
Those ratings blew up like an incompetently run meth lab. Now that I think of it, did we ever see an exploding meth lab on Breaking Bad?
This is literally bonkers.
And Marie has already moved onto Michael J Fox. Jesus Marie, Hank hasn't even had a proper burial yet.
Dimple Pinch still got the better product placement in the show. Their new ad copy could read:
But Skyler is no fool. She'll find it hard to believe that the Schwartz's would give that much cash to Walter's kids without becoming suspicious. Plus Walter's plan to bequeath his millions could run aground if Flynn, Skylar or Marie became suspicious of the money's origins. To say nothing of the police.
In other Buffy gossip, I read that Alyson Hannigan was a real bitch toward Amber Benson. Allegedly she mocked her weight and was not very happy about playing Willow as gay. But that's some tattle that I read on a Datalounge thread so God only knows if that is even slightly true.
Thinking about this finale reminded me of David Chase's attitude to Tony Soprano. In that show Chase looked at his morally repugnant protagonist's flaws and sins and he did not blink once. He never let Tony off the hook and that show did have a strong moral underpinning. But at end of Breaking Bad Vince Gilligan…
How about Frank Castle? He could kill them all and let God sort them out.
I'm more used to shows that I like dying a ratings death or barely avoiding cancellation by the skin of their teeth. So the fact that we have over forty new episodes of this show to look forward to is just awesome.
They dropped Mr. T in the sequel?
In a similar spirit unless the gag is a Spanish arthouse fantasy in the spirit of Pan's Labyrinth or The Devil's Backbone, I'm not interested either.
I keep hearing that Gotham Central is a good comic, it's a shame that they don't adapt that.
It says that we're on the internet.
Walt has had several chances to drop out of the meth game for the sake of his family. He had a gift wrapped chance to walk away with Declan's $5 million buyout offer. Now if $5 million is not enough to provide for your family then what the hell is? But Walt refused because of his bitter fixation on Gray Matter. That…
I think the writers are leaning too hard on the "Let's torture Jessie" crutch. Now Jessie's meltdown after his murder of Gale brought the character to a new level and Aaron Paul gives good angst. But his current level of abasement is coming off as crappy Saw film knock off. This show can do better than this emotional…
Plus we can put yet another death on Walt's tab, that toxic bastard gave the Nazis her address and her connection to Jessie.
"Hell, I even thought I was dead 'till I found out it was just that I was in Nebraska."
Don't call (him) Saul.
It's a shame that Marie and her grief were basically brushed off in this episode. I realise that the writers had a lot of plot to get through but it seemed that her character has basically finished with Hank's death.
And he's been optimistic given today's economy. Was anybody else surprised to see Saul on the run? Surely he could have brazened out the heat back home? Or was he worried that Sylar would flip on him? And I'm no Sylar hater, it's just that she could testify about Saul's involvement with Walter.