I wanna say OMG SO CUTE I WANT ONE, but I’ll probably be judged juried and executioned....yep terrible English
I wanna say OMG SO CUTE I WANT ONE, but I’ll probably be judged juried and executioned....yep terrible English
Seems a lot of people in this world have a superiority complex going on
I wasn't fighting everyone, I'd just had enough of negativity in my life that I went on the defence, I said I stuffed it up and I couldn't edit the post.
I’m sorry I don’t fit in your mould
In Australia we can hire based on gender when it comes to certain job roles e.g. Working in a women's refuge. do they not have that in America?
Thank you
Sorry I only comment on the odd thing, didn't think it would blow up the way it did
Thank you but I'm actually not after a dog
I'm English heritage Australian the word cunt is everyday use
Left out
To be honest I can't really keep up with it all, cis and binary. It's always been gay, transgender and transsexual growing up and I've always been a big supporter.
Yep, she is absolutely gorgeous
Thank you
True, very true. I shouldn’t expect people to understand I apologised to Eldritch.
Love it, I need a laugh it's all good.
Thank you so much, I was just looking for a bit of humanity xox
I owe you an apology Eldritch, I've had a tough time living lately and I shouldn't have allowed my emotions to get the better of me. Obviously this offends people that I have started a gofundme and it's embarrassing to be this poor. Again sorry
I don't want a dog
Are there no laws that cover this in America? Or are they not worth the piece of paper they are written on?
🙄 just keep moving, if you want to make someone feel like crap go outside and do it to someone's face instead of over the Internet. I doubt you have the balls to