
I'm just shook up in general, it's hard atm that's all. I'm on the defence and have been all week.

I'm glad you think your fantastic

Yes actually it has been praised there has been many articles regarding this

What are you talking about your goin through shit too, you have every right to walk outside and scream really fucking loudly into the sky and lose it. I really do hope you don’t lose your house, it’s scary the whole prospect of moving especially with Christmas coming up.

Thank you, I’ll do that. And thank you again for understanding, it’s embarrassing explaining to your nine yr old your crying because people are being mean to you on the Internet. Jebus I do have to get it together, gotta stop crying lol

You made me laugh, thanks I needed that 🤘🏼

You did judge me, and I'm over being put down by people I'm not below you, I'm not below anybody

She's gorgeous, I love how they tilt their heads in pictures. Too cute

So it's oki for people to attack me with their sarcastic judgemental comments regarding me doing something that has been praised on Jezebel many times, but it's not oki for me to break down and go off back at them. Right now I'd like nothing better then for those that want to hurt me to not comment but it's too late

I not asking for a dog

I'm not asking for a dog pls read the actual gofundme, and you should get yours out there if it will help cover the bills

Let's show how people on the Internet really behave towards others that they don't even know, this thread just shows people a cruel and mean

God no you actually are in my boots, I’m getting kicked out of the unit my parents own because I stood up for myself after being called a whore one too many times by my dad (for being a single mum), then my car gets stolen and burnt out. My family disowned me because it’s al my fault that the family is turning on each

I so see the alien thing, I'd still do him though

Tell me about it, I've just been in tears over this and the way people have reacted. My life is far from perfect atm and my anxiety is killing me but I'll keep putting it out there, I'm a bit of a Nigel few friends.

I'm insulting those that want to judge and insult me I've had a week of it, why should I be polite to those that want to put me down on the internet it says a lot about them. ALSO I'm not asking for a dog

Yep I stuffed that up I was just putting little dogs next to it because the story is about dogs and I just gave an opinion as to what my dream dog would be. I've tried to edit it but it won't let me so I'll just keep explaining to people. I'm not having a good week

That’s what I want to do, mine was;

Does anyone else get a Tilda Swinton vibe looking at cumberbatch?

I'm not getting a dog my gofundme me is for a car, my car was stolen and burnt out I should have written that in the post I thought people would actually click on it and read it. I have tried to edit the post but it won't let me