
Does it explain how streets/addresses are designated in Queens, NYC?


I think so: have a friend who is having twins (via IVF) and people will ask her if her twins are “natural” as if IVF makes “unnatural” babies? I don’t think it comes from a malicious place, I just don’t think we, as a culture, understand it so well.

Reminds me of Kendall Francois, in upstate NY, he only killed prostitutes, and nobody cared enough to investigate why women were disappearing for years. He was also my middle school janitor. Glad somebody got this guy.

I have a feeling Tamra’s comments have more to do with her insecurities about her son, Ryan...who is very “rapey”.

Also maybe just explain what is turbulence? Like really, what IS IT?

This goes hand in hand with the problem of “massage” parlors in NYC as well. There needs to be more oversight and/or policy. This is why NYC’ers need to vote in local elections and get to know your assemblypeople and state senators.

Scott Wolf is almost 50??!!!

Totally, just cringing the whole time.

Chris's weird whisper-breakup to Kaitlyn at the end of the ceremony was the worst. The best thing in that episode were the Roosters.

Thanks for this! I am an Anthem member and am freaking out. I have freezes on all my credit reports and been monitoring my bank accounts, and so far, all good, but if I call Social Security or IRS, is there anything they can do, even if thus far, nothing has popped up?

George Costanza

I have checked my score already this year, can checking it again lower it?

Yep...that pretty much was always my face...he didn't seem to notice/care he was too busy flagellating and then promptly falling asleep.

He was so hot, but he would always slap himself in the face afterward :/

I didn't even know people actually gave non-cash presents at weddings until high school...Italians...we go cold hard cash, all the way.

Can somebody explain the Gavin-Gwen situ? Did he cheat on Gwen with Courtney? Was the love-child also a by-product of cheating?

Family shared computer: AppleIIc. It was awesome. I don't remember much about it, except playing Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego a lot.

Yep, and this weekend will make 12. :/
