
It was a joke at the expense of those Doctor Who fans who insist that you can’t call the show Dr. Who because he isn’t an MD. (These people actually exist in real life.)

a monster who feeds off of pain

It wasn’t just a smoke break. He also spilled some water.

I did like Karen, as well as a few of Jane’s other personalities, but Jane is still my least favorite character. So many of her personalities just seem like a variation of the same annoying asshole—what is the meaningful difference between regular Jane and Hammerhead, for instance?—and we didn’t spend enough time

I actually enjoyed Jane’s near-constant f-bombs even more than Cliff’s. But Diane Guerrero just got everything right with that role.

...watching a bunch of sad sacks mope around isn’t tremendously enjoyable.

The AV Club:

Stargirl at least THINKS she’s Starman’s daughter, and she’s repeatedly used words like ‘birthright’ and ‘legacy’, in a genetic sense; and with the new Hourman, not only does she give him the hourglass because of his genetic link to the previous Hourman (and despite some brief qualms, it seems the universe has ended

Rick: He may be The Wrong Man, but he's our man.

Isn’t it a better secret identity if you're not a doctor and you go around calling yourself one?

Maybe it was just my TV viewing experience, but in the scene when Chuck is showing everyone what really happened to the Tylers via green projections, one shot really lingers on Rick in the green and it’s a visually unpleasant experience.

I’m kinda disappointed the Injustice Society caged Solomon Grundy in its basement HQ instead of getting him an innocuous job like neighborhood ice cream vendor.

Re the music choices, when we shift to "Present Day," we get an Everclear song about how Rick is feeling. I love Everclear, but when I think "Present Day," they're not what I'm thinking.

-Should’ve sent the kid to Pat along with the paperwork.

Unfortunately, it’s a rather uncomfortable theme for what’s otherwise a bubbly, cuddly, young liberal show - the idea that people’s moral worth as heroes depends on their bloodline is kind of awkward.

I like that Rick is something of a wildcard, and I predict his recklessness will make Courtney realise what she’s been like and get her to take being a leader (and Pat) seriously.

Exposition Girl!

I think what it is is that the overarching theme of the show is legacy. The new JSA is taking up the legacy of the old, the ISA is trying to make a legacy for their children, and we can even see some of the next generation of the ISA forming up.

I maintain my weekly desire for 1000% more Grundy. No amount of Grundy will ever be enough.

Awwww, so they’re ditching the best part of Hourman - that he gets his powers from taking drugs?  Next they’ll be changing the golden age Flash’s origin so he didn’t get his powers from taking a smoke break.