
Apparently word of god is that all these people survived because Hulk’s wish was that they’d all return “safely”, so all the jet passengers would just be sitting on the ground below where they were snapped away from.

In fact, Dick Van Dyke consulted on the set.

Bunnies aren’t just cute like everybody supposes... they’ve got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses. And what’s with all the carrots? What do they need such good eyesight for anyways?! Bunnies! Bunnies! IT MUST BE BUNNIES!!! (Or maybe midgets?)

Agents of Shield already kind of did that, I think they’re going for straight sitcoms here.

Much like the stark bomb that beeped but didn’t explode Wanda & Pietro and scarred them for life?

I’m 39 and I grew up watching all these shows on Nick at Nite and TV Land in the 80s & 90s. Hell, TV Land wasn’t even launched until 1996, showing things like Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, Petticoat Junction, etc.

That’s weird to hear because I live in Britiain too and my British husband said that he definitely watched some of these shows growing up.

I grew up in the US watching the old Nick at Nite & TV Land shows, but now live in London with my British husband. I asked him about it and he said they had them here, but he didn’t catch some of the littler nods (like tge Dick Van Dyke chair thing with Vision), but he got the pastiche overall.

You sure about number 1?

And not only was he an unaltered clone, he was one of the youngest generations. He was a child and went “undercover” as a clone trooper cadet when Rex’s generation was already in at least their 20s, maybe 30s (I’m not super sure about his exact age).

Because of the Clone Wars series, he makes the prequels better in retrospect and goddamnit THAT takes talent.

Now playing

I had low expectations for this film, but oh my god it was genius. They absolutely nailed the perfect storm of talent and batshit insanity that makes for the best Eurovision performances. I did an honest-to-god spit-take at 20th Century Viking. I had never heard of Eurovision before moving to London 10 years ago, but

But it’s a magical place


As a book reader, how exactly is that feasible knowing what Clarissa’s story is moving forward?

His uncle was my dentist growing up. Agreed, every member of his family I’ve met has been lovely :D

What do you mean the latest episode says otherwise? We literally saw him show the photo to friends of his. That is not in question. The fact that Cindy is being forced to date him by her father has nothing to do with the fact that we WATCHED HIM SHOW HIS FRIENDS THE PHOTOS OF YOLANDA. Still not an innocent victim in

It’s not just their park employees. I worked for Disney on Broadway in New York in the early ‘00s, and they didn’t pay us a living wage either. All the staff had to have second jobs, and a lot were on EBT or other welfare programs just to make rent/bills/eat. Employed by one of the richest damn companies in the world,

It may not have been the point you were making, but it still is a point raised by your response. Sure, he may not have played a part in releasing the photos to the whole school, but that doesn’t absolve him of guilt in the situation. Ok, so he may not have been the cause of hundreds of students seeing her picture, but

Barry, you can do this. Just run faster. Now run, Barry. Run!