
Churches get abandoned/sold in the western world all the time. There are tons of old churches in the UK that have been turned into houses/flats and offices, and lots in NY, London, Dublin (this one’s particularly cool:, and other cities that have been turned into bars & clubs. Somethere

Stood out to me too. I’m also a sucker for cool scene transtitions, which is one of the many, many, many reasons I loved the Watchmen TV series.

Bill for William is the least egrigious of those three by far. Jack for John makes no fucking sense whatsoever. It’s the same length, they’ve only got one letter in common, and they sound completely different. Fuck whoever came up with that one.

The way the drug lookout started yelling, “hey vato,” with a “v” sound instead of a “b” sound, I knew before I even saw the guy that he had no idea what he was in for.

I like this show well enough, and really want to love it, but Ruby Rose’s wooden acting is still dragging the whole thing down for me. Even when she was sobbing on the floor with Alice, it didn’t look like she was actually sobbing, it looked like an actor trying really hard to make it look like they were sobbing, and

Wii changed all that as far as consoles. My grandfather used to LOVE playing Wii Sports at my brother’s house (and he was well into his 70s-80s when he played it), and they actually put Wiis in retirement homes all across the States because the old people loved playing so much. Times are already changing, homie!

It’s definitely increased. That being said, I laughed my ass off when Larry & Jeff were screaming at each other in the kitchen, and they both stopped and slowly sat down at the same time.

The Krazy Eyez Killah episode is my all-time favorite.

Like, yes, please invade my personal space. That’s what these earphones were, obviously... an invitation for you, a stranger, to touch me. What a cute story we’ll tell our grandchildren some day.
I really don’t understand what goes on in these assholes’ damn minds.

I was going to use Echo as the activation word, but there are characters called Echo in several shows I watch, so I thought Alexa was the better choice at the time. Now she’s dead, so she doesn’t need a wake word.

They could’ve used Gideon ;)
I bet every Alexa user watching this got annoyed when their Alexa inevitably woke upon Barry calling her. I wouldn’t know, I binned mine when, in the span of a week, during a deep, personal talk with my husband, Alexa suddenly said, “Ah, I have learned a great many things about you” and it

I really hope that one day it’s revealed that she’s not actually British.

Cue every woman in the world sighing and wishing that that would stop men from bothering them, up to and including, but not limited to, actually removing the earbud from her damn ear*.

*Yes, this is a thing that actually happens and it’s infuriating.

If that kid went under the train, he either died or got dismembered.
Source: A friend of mine from back home in NYC fell on the tracks just as the train was coming and he lost both his legs. Would’ve bled to death too if not for being incredibly lucky that a medic was in the station to start working on him until the

Having watched the whole season, I really don’t understand why this was rated “mature” on netflix UK. Sure, there were a few deaths and scary parts, but I wouldn’t rate this above a 15 (or maybe even a 12... none of the violence was bloody or graphic) in the UK movie ratings (we don’t have TV ratings on every show

Having now watched the entire season, I’ve just come back here to say that I had no idea it was possible to be equal parts really clever and really stupid. Mostly predictable with a few surprises along the way, but a lot of insonsistencies (Kinsey gets rid of her fear and then is screaming and terrified in the

Is this a fucking joke? NO DOG PERSON WOULD EVER BEHAVE THIS WAY. Anyone who does behave this way is not a dog person or dog lover, they’re a fucking monster.

We really need to focus on catching counter-terrorists in this country.

A supervillain who uses future tech to make it look like he can do the Wizrding World’s killing curse? Count me in ;)

He seemed to imply that The Monitor gave him his powers back just for Crisis.