
How is the return of the SALMON LADDER not in the stray observations? Oh Salmon Ladder, how we’ve missed you.

Yeah, that confused me about Amazo. I thought they said that he was detecting Metas and reading their Meta DNA to replicate their powers. So how the hell does that allow him to duplicate two Kryptonians’ powers AND THE SKILLS OF A REGULAR OLD HUMAN WHO HAS NO POWERS? Like, I was all, “ooh, it makes sense for Green

Oh god yes, Justin Hartley cameo, please. 


YES! That was the first time I laughed at the Other-Rebecca line since “My name’s Deborah”. I’m also partial to the season 2 theme (and Trent’s rendition as well) :)

That baby drawer was one of my favourite bits of this episode. 


Skylar Astin had to’ve studied all the S1 &2 eps with Greg very carefully, because he really made me see Greg in his performance. Subtle ways he moved, the cadence in his voice, where he placed and held the pauses... he was Greg all over. I have to commend that level of craft in acting. Was genuinely impressed. My

Probably still in the back seat of the car.

I could not agree with you more. These are literally all the points I made on Reddit immediately after watching this episode.
I really hated that final scene. I really like Benjamin and really hate Joel, so it’s kind of a given. Even though Joel was getting a “redemption arc” this season, a lot of his behaviour made

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and my god did that scene with Sophie interviewing the people onstage make me want to punch her in the face. I was fucking incandescent for the first half, and actively nauseous for the second half. Then they cut to Midge & Susie, both looking like they had the same pit in their stomachs

Yeah, that’s especially shitty for critically endangered species. Two Northern White Rhinos in all of existence, but fuck them, right?

I was an actor for a long time. There is literally nothing worse (and less sexy) than on-screen kissing/making out/sexing. You have to do it over and over, with everyone watching, freezing and holding (sometimes while in really uncomfortable positions - and I don’t mean just full-body positions, your neck and jaw will


I’d’ve been fine with the frog if it wasn’t such a bad puppet. It totally killed the emotion for me because all I was thinking about was how awkwardly the puppet was moving. If you’re going to go Legends-of-Tomorrow-Why-The-Fuck-Not levels of cray, at least make it look good. If I can buy giant Beebo, our lord and

The Doctor didn’t have 7 different grandmothers, she’s talking about the 7th incarnation of one of her grandmothers. They’re Time Lords, remember.

They’re Time Lords. They regenerate. Granny Seven is like The Seventh Doctor.

So everyone gave Ryan the stink eye when he said that Hanne’s dad did a runner, but he was actually right all along! He’s like the Jason Mendoza of Doctor Who.

Ok, so Emilio from the frame store was supposed to be a Lin Manuel Miranda cameo that he wasn’t available for, right? Because there’s no way that rap verse and In The Heights-looking outfit was supposed to be anything other than straight-up Lin.

Best line reading of the night, hands-down.