
Don E. flying into frame, screeching like a howler monkey and holding that katana may be one of my all-time favourite things. 

He died on the way back to his home planet.


Did anyone else wonder just for a second if Phil & Talbot ended up in Narnia? Because I did.

I’d totally forgotten about that. Makes it so much worse.

That was the feeling it gave me too.

Pass for 34-35? She was born in 1969. And she looks it. 

While, yes, I totally agree that she’s made me want to slap the shit out of her at times, I now have to wonder how much of her behaviour is down to having been drugged with the weeper’s tears. Like, sure, she appears to be of sound mind when she’s performing these actions, but would she have been ok with framing Barry

I screamed with joy.

The truth is, he has very little self-awareness and a whole lot of ego. That’s why.

Also, shout out to the look of mad glee on Donathan’s face when he suggested blindsiding Chris to Dom.

Dom may have had me at “fugazi”, but Wendell topped it with “you have no bars”.

I was SO glad to see Chris go. I have never, in my life, seen anyone less self-aware than he is. The. Worst.

middling headlines are middling


“I need this job!”

And then he jumped to TV, eventually met Supergirl, and it’s gone downhill ever since (*cough* Guardian sucks *cough*).

*Stupid* Hawk-Chicken People

It’s adorable that you think I wake up before 11am on weekends. If I have brunch, it IS within 2 hours of waking up, and it is DEFINITELY after 11am. That’s life in the city, baby.

Imagine what it does for those of us for whom it comes on in the middle of the night and have to wait until the next day! Spoilers of any sort in article titles should be a worldwide capital offence. And that includes semi-spoilery titles like, “Shock murder of a fan-favourite character!” No, bitch. No.

They did it. They fucking did it. They brought back the stick. I don’t care how terrible this cast is, Ghost Island gets an A+.

No I haven’t read the books. I was in my 20s when they came out, and while I’m enjoying the show, the repetitive structure of the books would grate on me (as it has a bit with the stories this season). I love a good background gag, but I’d better not spoil myself :)