
At first I thought they couldn’t get in because it’s a church/sanctuary/holy place, and I’m hoping that was their thought too, because otherwise... XD

When Maze first started looking for a job, I immediately thought “dominatrix”. Perfect fit. But then I realised that she would absolutely hate it if the humans were actually enjoying the pain, so bounty hunter is a much better choice :)

I’m late to the party, but Constantine does show up in the Arrowverse. Matt Ryan plays him so perfectly that it’s always a treat when he guest stars. He’s making a few appearances in Legends this season.

One more triangle pun and I’ll be swinging from a hypotenuse.

Now, I’m no fancy big city lawyer, but I’d say the defense’s case holds water.

Because literally last week the players were talking about a possible imminent tribe swap when deciding who to vote for.

Yeah, that was my thought with the DNA test. Laurel wasn’t a meta. I mean, I guess she could come up with some bullshit “they did experiments on me, so I am now” excuse, but meh.

All of them can get new costumes with hoods on them and pull a Spartacus! “I’m the Green Arrow” “I’m the Green Arrow” “I beg your pardon, but I am the Green Arrow”.

Worst villain in the Arrowverse? I think Vandal Savage would have a little something to say about that.

Liv popped out of a body bag in the first ep ;)
I take your point, but they are a little bit dead. And at the very least, the virus kills parts of them - their tastebuds die which is why they put hot sauce on everything, their hair follicles die so their hair turns white, and their blood pressure drops super low (to

When Clive went to Ravi for advice of a... sexual nature, I expected him to ask Ravi if he could try to develop Zondoms (or CondomZ, I haven’t decided). We know that regular condoms don’t do the job, but have they ever talked about developing ones that stop the zombie virus from spreading? It seems like the kind of

A victimless crime? There definitely was a murder victim.

Back when I bartended, I served a hell of a lot more vodka martinis with olives than twists. Dirty vodka martinis too.

But they’re not quite dead. They still have blood pressure and their bodies maintain most of their normal functions, so it’s possible that they’ll still grow and age... though it could be a VERY slow process.

Yeah, she’s either spending herself into ruin on new outfits for every brain, or she’s stealing it all from the victims (and altering the clothes to fit her?). 

Yeah, I mean, her wardrobe budget has to be MASSIVE to be able to afford new outfits for every brain. 

Yeah, it’d be cool to get a miniseries or TV movie showing Rogue One from their perspective.

Yeah, that was my issue. Not only light speed blasted, but, you know, exposed to the vacuum of space immediately after leaving the atmosphere.

You know, though, now that you mention it, it would be kind of cool to get a Rebels standalone tv film or miniseries or something that showed Rogue One from the Ghost crew’s perspective. It would be COMPLETE fanservice, but I’d watch the shit out of it.

Barry Allen was in town and William didn’t get so much as an intro to The Flash? Harsh.