
Good for her. No, really. Plenty of white parents who adopt children of color never change their views, even when directly faced with the racism their child experiences. I don’t expect people to know what we know through personal experience. When someone finally has that epiphany and revelation, I am thankful for

But I do wonder, why it is Davis’ tears are considered so remarkable? And I do find it impossible to listen to stories like hers without thinking of the generations upon generations of people of color—black and Native people in particular—who have said the very same things and begged this country, just once, to

Nerds don’t fight. But I hear you.

Maybe it was a Black person who cut it (side eye to some of our skin folk). Either way, the young lady was censored for speaking truth to power and it’s now public. Which is how evil should be addressed - in broad daylight.

One of these days, a valedictorian is going to have his/her mic cut out at the moment of catching the people orchestrating it, and turn around and whip their asses for all the world to see.

kudos, hopefully this will be a big success!  I wonder if Viola Davis will get to star? They should be recruiting black female actresses to perform the poems/scenes.

Understand he’s not talking about “hold hands and meet in the middle with people who don’t see us as human beings” — if you watch the video he makes clear distinction between rabid racists, and people who are simply ignorant. The “hand holding” is to get ignorant people to side with peaceful common sense, rather than

When I think of the “progressives” who threw away so much of this man’s hard work, I just want to punch them in the throat.

I read to the end as you asked, but holy shit if this doesn’t completely exemplify what the issues actually are.

This administration has always been really shitty with their cover-ups.

Don’t start none...

This is the bit I don’t get - why would any First Lady expect to have free use of the NSC, let alone Natasha Fatale?

Oh I’m certainly not saying that us northerners aren’t exempt from this. There’s just something incredibly backwatered about the South that keeps rearing its ugly head.  Again, when you teach your kids that the Civil War was actually about The Northern Agression, well I think there’s a special place in hell for that.

ole doc looks like he hits the bottle hard..and often

This man.

One of the 62% of white men who voted for Trump, obviously. He didn’t actually need to specify that part.

When my family moved into Navy Officer’s Housing in San Diego in 1966 there were a lot of unhappy white people in the neighborhood. My father was stationed in Vietnam at the time when my mother moved her five children including 9-year-old me, into that all-white neighborhood. I was called “nigger” by more than a few

LMAO I wasn’t gonna say it but

I don’t understand why some white people can’t just leave us alone. Like, my dude, you are a grandpa pulling this childish shit on a harmless man who is a third your age and his child instead of minding your own damn business and living your best retirement life on that government pension. Wtf.