I’m excited to evaluate all of the candidates, pick my favorite and work to get them nominated. And if my candidate fails I look forward to FALLING THE FUCK IN LINE.
I’m excited to evaluate all of the candidates, pick my favorite and work to get them nominated. And if my candidate fails I look forward to FALLING THE FUCK IN LINE.
That’s a shit ton of luggage for 24 hours! SJP really needs to downsize.
Rugged individualism is hot garbage invented by rich, straight, white men to provide an origin myth for their power and success so that they don’t have to be faced with the truth that they arrived where they are by standing on the necks of people of color and women.
short answer: no
I think I’ve found your problem there mate, you were in Manchester.
It’s a pity Mrs Merton is no longer with us for an interview…
See, this is what happens when TAXES ARE TOO LOW!
Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.
Ivanka Trump reminds me of someone that would be a character in a Black Mirror episode about our dystopian future.
Megan Kelley is making 20 million dollars?
While your outrage is understandable, your framing is problematic - the board should care about HW’s victims NOT because the board members have wives/sisters/daughters/mother’s, but because those victims are PEOPLE. I am a person (also a wife, mother, daughter, sister, etc) but it is MY PERSONHOOD that matters, not…
Not as ridiculous as “urrrrrbs” for a word that begins with a fucking aitch.
What Harry did was bad, yes. But I don’t think his extended family should come into it, since his close family all fought for the Allies. His grandfather (Philip) was a WWII naval hero, his grandmother (the Queen) was a mechanic in the ATS, and his great-grandmother (Philip’s mother) hid a Jewish family in Greece and…
They sound like lyrics to a really fucked up version of “You Can Call Me Al.”
I’m a Brazilian. Few countries in the Western hemisphere are in a more politically troubled situation as us right now (Venezuela being the only one to come from the top of my mind)...
Have you ever lived in the UK or received healthcare from the NHS/an NHS-like system? I have lived in both the UK and the US (currently in the US) and the healthcare I received in the UK was superior, in my opinion. Never experienced any long waits to see a doctor, never experienced “only getting care if the…