
Haven’t been watching. Other stuff take up time.

Probably. PC game and all.

Eh his off screen persona requires a disassociation.

The reason I bought my own deck was because of this sequence. I need to learn how to play it.

Really I see this as an all or nothing issue. We don’t like content being separated between retailers because it’s a rather arbitrary decision on greed. This is a decision on sensibility, but in the end also arbitrary. If this disparity didn’t exist, as in it was all nintendo costumes or all skimpy costumes, it’s not

And you can hear Jeff cackling maniacally at this.

And that those expectations exist means there’s still sexism.

Ah Meiling, so absent minded.

Bah, I can barely push past 1k in any crucible. Everyone seems to get better shots off than I can. And how the fuck am I suppose to get throwing knife kills?

You’re thinking hair physics. Hair styles can be hardcoded for anything.

But there are still expectations being placed on women that aren’t on men, and even though you can have something like this catering to women by objectifying men, it didn’t get rid of the original issue with women.

Well egalitarian sexism is still sexism.

Oh yea, people’s vanity exceeds most forms of logic.

Mine was the brief 4 seconds or so in that really old AMV that I can never really ever find because I can never get the music right and now I can’t stop looking until I find it. It had a bunch of other old anime in it.

Also: Berserk.

It’s a school shooting, it’s just not excused by a mental health thing.

Hah didn’t see that.

It’s really more I make a pot Sunday but I feel like by Thursday each bite isn’t quite cutting it.

Well shit I should finish my Monster Mususme. And all my other anime. And shit.