
I would love to bring lunches, but between preparation time and the risk of it going bad I just haven’t. A lot of my reheated pasted doesn’t feel like it survived well. I could get shopping for sandwiches. But I also can’t wake up early enough.

So do you get to use that 50 on the purchase right away? Or use it on a next purchase.

So do you get to use that 50 on the purchase right away? Or use it on a next purchase.


Looks like Brad followed through.

Oh no if you make it you have an insight to complete it. And I saw it completed.

Fuck it, I have In n Out and driving distance to the two big Convention locales.

Huh I did back this for 20 bucks. Been a while. Went through my KS list as well, looks like I got a bunch that haven’t delivered yet. Should check those updates.

I stopped voting on subject. I shall never leave Callie’s side.

Hell I still need to read up to this stuff still.

Didn’t he start dating the librarian at the end of the third movie?

Next gen!

I stopped caring about Geass halfway through S2, so getting the ending now is nice.

It will still depend on the con, as big name cons will get the crowding a nice large con will get, comic or otherwise, but your smaller cons can range easily under 1k attendance in a dozen rooms of a hotel. Professionalism will vary by area; from my interaction with my friends a lot of people who staff cons staff for

Aw I guess Dan’s WWE intros are to obtuse for people.

I can see how you won’t really feel this until the 5th hour.

That same one.

Channel some Night at the Roxbury?

MKX is getting close. Course didn’t Jeff play something similar on UPF?