
Christ, what an asshole.

So one thing I’ve heard that kinda makes sense is all the text AI’s are trawling Reddit for learning material, and those take a lot of data at once. Catching third party apps like this is a greedier move, but AI learning might just pony up.

You should try Holocure. It’s free and does just that.

I remember getting the combo of Simcoptor and Streets of Sim City. I think I got to the last level of Simcoptor but Streets was trickier to get far.

This also sounds like an argument to cut my 2 drops with Domino in my deck for my 3 drops.

Ya know, I also bought a bunch of figures, one of which was the limited Okami one which looks like was 7 years ago for about 500, but after my last move I haven’t even taken it out of the box a second time. The one thing stopping me is how I know I won’t properly take care of them and they’ll just look worse over

That’s because Sakura Wars stopped being popular.

I’m certainly confused by the choice of a shmup to swing the fire pattern with the plane. This feels like it’ll lead to more shooting off the screen than hitting targets. 

Ok so I should still run it enough to get to 25

Would recommend next to this Time of Eve.

Wait, it’s permanent? 

I backed it, started it, but like a few of the other games I backed didn’t want to really keep with it. But I also have Control for free, played it, liked it, but kinda stopped as well. 

Well also reviewers have also probably used up their lifetime number of the word “fun” in a review they will want to start using synonyms instead.

If I remember HoN also had a buy in while League was F2P for the longest time. Or am I thinking of a third Moba that did that. 

Now that’s some wild history there. 

Mmm yup. Worked there as well for the free pass for several years, then went a few when they stopped supporting that. Was part of the UCI anime club and a lot of the staff basically cycled through there following leaders in and out. I basically gave up on the con once the crowding became untenable, and I doubt the

And part of that CBS sale was so they didn’t have to handle the back end as much. 

That explains roflgator’s stream a few weeks ago. 

Well I guess I negated most of my issues by bringing a bow everywhere I went. They did give me a lot of trouble in the close quarter caves but just spacing the clouds and taking advantage of range got me through it. 

Well that’s a lot I kind of missed. Was at all those places.