
SWTOR was nice like that. But I did notice at a point the canned responses showing up and kinda broke it for me. Then again, I only got halfway through that story before too much PVP outleveled me for my story content and it got that boring.

FFXIV does well since they have so many emotes in game to communicate with, so cutscenes are pretty easy to make. But it’s also easy to miss out on things cause not everything is written down.

SFM. The original used Heavy and they just subbed in a snake model I think.

Japan spent their allotted amount of indecency on anime boobs.

Shit this was the opening to something, or else it just repeated a whole ton on the Jpop stations I’d stream back in the day off Winamp. Bah, need to google now.

You’re a Dragonborn now.

Tried any of the demo’s? It doesn’t really make use of the touch screen on the 3DS as it’s still working with the face button pattern game, but it’s interesting in it’s own way.

Now should I watch this

Knife chain felt like a good day as a Spy.

Neeeds hovertext

Why isn’t this tied to my FFXIV account?

Also these are the people behind the Red Ash anime KS.

Is that Arcade Riven?

Personally I’m only going with best girl Callie from now on.

I’m just yay for Touhou.

Also that there’s going to be an Ika Musume costume in game.


Also Touhou

Channeling some Smash TV there.

I picked up the Splatling first and played two rounds on ranked with it, and I thought that was being silly. The charge up time is fast, you can fire at any level, and for the most part it’ll splat a single target at about 3/4 of the first charge. You treat it a bit like a Charger for the coverage, which is