
Those lego sets...

Those lego sets...

Oh LA, so much in such a small area and it still a day trip to get anywhere.

Seriously pushing to meet my friends to run this.

Outrageous. Truly, truly outrageous.

Activists did public outreach. Was part of the list of survey questions they were asking.

Hey, guess what helped prop 8 in California pass the second time? A bunch of gay people going out talking to people who voted no in the first place.

I wanted to go through the game with just the SnS, so I built up a large complement of various SnS elemental types. My next was a bow, just cause. Stopped playing when I hit Jhen but now I'm going to get through my HR rank stuff before starting my 4, or when my friends can meet up, whichever happens first.

Now where's Mr. Bones Wild Ride?


Because rape is inherently considered more traumatic than most other forms of death, but because it's being used in the same context that notion of trauma can get lost in the larger noise of just being beaten. And them people start thinking in these terms in real space discussions.

It's for everyone who uses "rape" when regarding anything that they're being defeated by.

Course that plant fight will also just randomly give you ammo because you can run out so quick.

When I saw that Overwatch line up, my first thought about their call for diversity is "call me when they add a fat chick." In more eloquent terms it's what Anita's pointing out here. Side note why hasn't anyone talked about Payday 2's female PC's? Stocky hardened criminal bodies.

What, no sweet potato?

How well can you browse Pixiv?

Huh, don't remember this guy much for his Fantasy works. I see his stuff more as modern day styles.

I always love Smite's god reveals. Reasonable education pieces.

Not really, unless they can somehow get back Monster Hunter.