
Well I could also say a lot of Mexicans were opposed too. The church was a big play in prop 8, what with the big backing of the Mormon church and sentiments just 8 years ago. That was the headline I remember reading anyway.

There was still a sexist play, though ignoring that money was moved in support of her game that she backed out of, but the quick bandwagoning ends up distorting that argument.

Now we need a Panty and Stocking crossover.

To be fair, people will perform differently under pressure, and between these allegations and a regular competitive environment, if she somehow screwed up it becomes worse, while if she did well, well at what cost? Hearthstone is also still a card game that can be dictated by random draw. This is just unnecessary heat

I think I got one game coming up right now that's been on the iffy side of delivery, and it's this monster girl card game from a group I met at AX after like 1 demo. Honestly didn't think their game was great, but they had art and I kinda wanted another playmat. Compared to my backing of Tanto Cuore: Oktoberfest,

Heh backed it as well, but I'm willing to give these projects a time leeway. I think nearly all my backed projects were slow, but non were canceled outright as of yet.

At the same time, I only gave a dollar because of the guilt trip.

And I still need to play it

I always thought these guys were just hard to arrest, but warrants and evidence have already been collected.

Has anyone blamed Paramount for not getting screeners out? Cause apparently a Christmas timed movie also hurts the voting chances if the voters can't get to a theater to watch it.

In the back.

Pretty much. California here is pretty liberal until you hit the boonies, then it's their fault prop 8 got around. Right wing sentiments have only started cropping up across Europe. I'm sure there are plenty of nice folks in China. I'm pretty sure enough of Japan is nice, I'm just not going to be surprised by some of

Eh it's a mix of mostly anecdotal evidence from friends that visit and just other people's posts. This is mostly as a counter to the perception of a perfect Japan that can be pervasive in Anime circles. Like the most obvious thing is dig up whatever the current government is doing about immigration and his recent poll

Ok, more Japan in general.

How they treat Chinese/Korean/SE Asian immigrants, how expats can constantly feel excluded even living there for decades, how once you get out of the more metropolitan areas progressive views tend to disappear, and I think there are still businesses that have Japanese only signs up.

The anime had Lucario use Bone Rush. Should come in a pair though.

But hey, they got something out of The Spirit's Within.

Japanese tend to be pretty racist period.

Hey, at least this game gave my friend a job for a few months cleaning up animations. And so much catering.

You don't go Red without going Ork. Space Marines want nothing to do with those xeno scum.