Fuck cancer.
Fuck cancer.
Friend knew someone that used to translate games for NISA iirc, added a KoL line into Ar Tonlico..
Catch the stream archives on twitch.
Awesome series.
What I need to do is catch up with RvB.
When it's a casual thing.
I want more of the manga. Screw that second season.
Armor is just a list of stats. You can transmute armor to pretty much any other piece in the same class. There's a very short list of what stats gear can take, so you can have the same end game stats and changing the dress every so often.
GW2 always looked really nice. Just the stuff you can do in the game always feels grindy and limited. Plus I still don't have my Twilight.
Seems to be something with how the game records things? I remember seeing the same kind of issue in CS replays because they're usually all in engine. Also could be lag compensation.
That was a great series.
Yeesh, that's a way to go.
AH yes, the assets they use for clothing are pretty much the same across genders.
Ahri's missing tails threw me off.
No music? fail.
If the person being threatened kept that message as evidence the police can go to Microsoft with this. The investigation process will end up taking time though, especially if a subpoena for the person can be made. But someone is going to have to push for it.
Oh I watched all kinds of nice stuff off winamp streams.
In this case it's reportable and within Microsoft's system. It's also a dumb move by the prankster.