
Yeah but you need the proof. That’s all this guy is asking for. For instance, if Martin MacDonald told the police “I did it because I am racist! I fear and despise most black people. See, here is a card that identifies me as a member of the Klan,” then this would be a legitimate interpretation of what happened.

“Worse, in low population density areas where getting a ride can be challenging, users with African American-sounding names were cancelled at a rate of 15.7 percent—triple that of white males.”

Yeah, if you actually watch the video you realize this post makes zero sense. There’s little evidence that people wasted time getting out of the plane - if anything they seem to be backed up by the bottleneck of people waiting to go down the slide and not land on top of each other in a pile.

In case you are worried that this fucking tool will keep his gig in the Senate:

No I get it, you just realized that Kirk himself might show up and say “This man is a liar, I’ve never even been to Charlie Palmer!”

“But that at that point... he’s created one of the biggest social welfare programs in US history, and he’s the libertarian candidate!”

You know what frustrates me about all of this, is that there is an easy way to debunk the Trump defense that the media generally doesn’t seem to be using.

Conventional wisdom is that he invites these people to “psyche out” Clinton. Maybe, if he feels like it, he can cite them in his remarks (though he mostly did not.)

Yeah, no, even though I am a dude I am *really* happy with the gender contrast in this election. It seems like the most effective way to highlight the profound assholishness of Trump, and Hil is doing a good job. I think this election is going to go down as a major feminist turning point.

Poe’s Law strikes again. You can’t escape it, every hater and every loser falls for it eventually. Sad!

Here is the real context, BTW:

To anyone with half a brain it just sounds like bullshit, though. I’m not up on the exact context of Bill’s comments, but I am pretty confident that they didn’t quite mean what Trump was claiming they mean. At this point the average swing voter must have this sense as well.

What’s kind of funny is that his answer in the second debate about what he admired most about Hillary (that she’s a fighter and doesn’t quit) was obviously what he wished people would say about him.

Yep, I know some crazy old people who act the same way, blatantly taking criticisms that people have leveled against them and projecting them onto others. Like, literally, they will denounce someone and as soon as the words leave their mouths you think “somebody said that to you, once, didn’t they.”

“why weren’t his handlers prepared for this?”

“...if I could have voted for Bush in 2004 if the Dems had nominated Trump”

“People were able to listen to him without being viscerally repulsed, which should be deeply troubling.”

And, don’t forget, he is named in a lawsuit over the statutory rape of a 13-year-old.

Heh, and look at the army of desperate apologists that came out in the wee hours here. We haven’t seen this kind of weak shit in a while. Let’s see if we can summarize the salient points.

What are you retarded? He watched as the entire economy collapsed like a house of cards AND invaded the wrong fucking country. We’ve never seen such a corrupt and incompetent administration since Nixon.