The Hall of Fame in FH5 goes off Accolades, not the XP and cash that this exploit gets you. Put another way, Hall of Fame progress is a measure of story progress and would be totally unaffected by this.
The Hall of Fame in FH5 goes off Accolades, not the XP and cash that this exploit gets you. Put another way, Hall of Fame progress is a measure of story progress and would be totally unaffected by this.
This was a very weird take. Indycar isn’t siphoning off F1’s hottest young talent, they’re siphoning off the guys who couldn’t get a seat.
It appears from this exchange that you’re not actually reading what matt says. I’d repeat it and highlight it for you, but he phrased it perfectly well himself the first time.
It did happen with Esteban though, they sold tons of merch and got tons of attention at the inaugural race in Mexico City, AND in Austin, and they even had Mexican fan turnout in Canada that year.
Besides the fact that he’s a better driver, which is reason enough alone, I think commercially as well it would be an amazing thing for Haas to have a North American driver. Mexicans and Mexican Americans would turn out in droves in Austin and Mexico City to see an American team with a popular Mexican driver. The…
The article about rechargeables is going on 6 years old, which is an eternity. Eneloops were just barely still king then, but a lot has changed since 2014 and they’ve remained far too pricy (even with discounts like this) while other brands provide the same performance for significantly cheaper. Might be time to…
The article about rechargeables is going on 6 years old, which is an eternity. Eneloops were just barely still king…
Good heavens my dude, you write an entire article about repairing and replacing parts on office chairs and never found out about urethane rollerblade style wheels?!?!
Good heavens my dude, you write an entire article about repairing and replacing parts on office chairs and never…
yeah, Americans know nothing about crafting entertainment that the whole world watches, right?
Actually I’d say this customer is probably just one small chain of life events away from being a car dealer salesman himself. He sure has the raw talent for it.
Ferrari won’t even let you keep physical custody of your FXXK, why would they allow anyone to street-legal it?
A Chinook certainly can not take that kind of load. CH-53s are enormous. But the rear half of that thing is covered in oil., so it's clearly not going anywhere on its own power today or tomorrow.
Well, I mean, yeah, they're affected in that they'll presumably have to move to Canada if they want to be with him, but I dunno if that's really all that "affected" in the deeper sense that you're implying. Come on, it's Canada, not friggin' Syria.
That was me getting yelled at by a GM at a SoCal Honda dealership (Pacific Honda) a few years ago. I went there and asked if they could match a price from the internet department at another dealership that was 20 miles further away from me. It was late on a weekday, and the floor staff that were there were already…
Everyone's playing by the same rules though, so what's the issue? And the guys who don't play by the rules, like South Coast Subaru, run the gigantic risk of being sued and losing their contract.
She scarred the crap out of a dead guy? Now that does sound like a great story.
and offset nipple pepperonis