
My data comes from 2 years of asking people about their computer use history and seeing first hand their old apple computers. This area that I speak of is in the central plains, meaning MO and KS. Nationwide sales figures do account for a lot, but the concentration of Apple computers in the two states noted dominated

I'm not the only one arguing that you were insensible. "The iPhone 4S is so lame that Steve Jobs had to die to create some buzz..." Who the fuck says that? Thats you creating the scene that Steve Jobs essentially died so a phone would become popular. I'm not the only one who thinks you were wrong to say that.

You make a statement and then everyone fires at you then you fire back and say that no one fired at you in the first place. That right there, is idiocy.

Dude, you made an uncalled for remark against a dead man. A sense of self control and a reduction in selfishness would give you the impression that what you did was wrong. And yet all you can do is attempt to degrade my literacy? Once again, such a credit to society you must be. A useful line from a 1980's movie once

Then don't. I don't care.

Like I said, "demographics vary across geographics" People in the Midwest were more commonly owning Macintosh computers over commodores. I don't need an explanation or someone to point out information when I made the statement "demographics vary across geographics"... I grew up in a different area than you. We didn't

I may get flack for this, but the Prius (I know, not comparable to a Cadillac, AT ALL) is somewhat electric, and I hate every damn one of them and their owners. Cocky and think they are Gods over us all because they drive a "white blood cell" on the interstates.

WHAT?! He can't pay off a plane? He sings "Got Money" and he's got segways and sh*t!!!

Wow, for my 21st birthday, someone swam from Alcatraz. That would have been better to have done than to have worked all day.

One is built for purpose, one was an annoying bouncy bastard on a productivity application. Oh brother.

It's called being linked back to an article and reading the comments for the hell of it. Dick.

I think the bitter debate on the supposed accusations that Gates stole Jobs' software ecosystem to create windows, is the cause for hatred on Microsoft.

So glad I found your comment still here, I remember seeing it back in 2011 and thinking "Maybe he/she is right/wrong" The first half you are right about, but after asking people over the last 2 years about the various computers they had when they were in their 20's, 30's, and 40's at the time, almost no one said

Hold on a second, you want to make a satirical /sarcastic remark about someone's death? I'm sure you are a credit to society.

Where did I flip out? Go ahead and point that out. There are arguments cohesive with mine if you expand the rest of the threads and look at other commenters, then you would see where I am not the only one with my argument. Once again, have a seat, I don't have a Youtube account, junior.

No I'm not illiterate, I probably have a better job than you.

2011 RR Sport HSE you retard. Camrys are for old people. Camrys are ugly. I don't have any other accounts on kinja because their ecosystem never stops changing and is a pain.

I'm an Asscramp, not a douchebag. Strike one.

Angel is kinda running that into the ground...