
I see the term as the first model that sets the precedent for the forthcoming models

But how is is flagship? Flagship is like the phone that sets the precedent for the product line

How can you have another flagship phone? Apple made the iPhone in 2007, that was it's flagship phone. Only one time. Only one company can have one flagship phone only one time.

I just saw him at the Saturday Morning Science conference at Mizzou and he spoke about a lot of great things, I first saw him 16 years ago on the TV in my elementary school days. He is a great guy. Very informative presentation and he was great at delivering his message. "Change The World."

An Android device, designed on Mac OS X... hmmm

Wow, quite the class comment you made there. Does your mommy know she raised such an exquisite and inquisitive soul?

Kill it with everything we've got!

EarPods may be "cheap" but the quality of Beats is CHEAP too

Speaking of Ricky Johnson, I found this, if you are planning to see some Supercross, come a day early to St. Louis!

I would actually go to church, this one specifically, just to say I go to a unique church!

It will develop the next iteration of Crysis in 2 seconds

So sweeping......


I am happy to be back on a smoker. I was on an RM-Z for quite some time and I was always asking myself if there was any bike that could match it, then I was like, "I should give the RM's a try" and I will forever be a 2 smoker. I had the pw50 for quite some time, and then I went through kawasaki for the 100's... then

I personally consider the 80's a key point in history. Not only computers, but for many other things like Hannah, Johnson and McGrath. I was born in 1993, but I wish that I could've lived in the 70's and 80's to experience the awesomeness that was. I want vintage bikes too.

And you fell into my trap...

Hitting your manhood on the gas tank is the damn worst.

They are friends most of the time, but once they hit the gate, they hate the shit out of each other.

Fucking +1 good sir!

I still race on occasion, but college has me by the balls. Did you ever race up through Loretta Lynn's?