
Wow, great sweeping statement there.... Not every iPhone user is a hipster.

I better get an eargasm if i buy this....

That face you make when you are making sure your Gopro is recording.

No Thunderbolt

Of course it has audio from Neil and NASA.....

Holy smokes I could not have said it better myself.

I do see potential, but lets say you go up mountains or in valleys without service, whats the point?

Oh, the beloved wind noise...

I welcome LEDs......

The only difference is that tuna doesn't sound like shit or look like shit!

My car model was involved in a police chase? What does that do to my car value?

Then again, who dances around while using a tablet? Thats been filmed quite a bit too.

I blame computers

Same with the anit-Mac bullshit, keep it down.

That classic Gopro splash/mush sound at the end

The way it detects smoke, sure looks like it will still sound the alarm when my fog machine goes on.

I'd smack someone too if I had to deal with that again....

NiteRider Pro 3600... 3,600 Lumens.... Eight 2,900mA/h batteries....

Great video, kinda shows our dependency on things like oil and technology.

I hate this reporter's pronunciation of the letter 'H'.