

This was first on REDDIT!

I'm gonna use this on my midterms lol

As a KC resident, we don't have any other option. It's either the Rams, or, well, fields....

Find some artists you like and look for them on sound cloud, which has music from artists before that music is released.

NSFW is now more like "Not Sure Fuckin' What i just watched.

My new picture on facebook for the google adverts.

I am so done with Google. They don't put Google Fiber where it will be most used in KC, they try everything to get your attention, and now they want to put my picture in an advertisement. I might as well put something inappropriate as my picture on Facebook so every time I see an ad with my picture, I can laugh and

My fault, I didn't make it clear!

I will be 3D printing my cars!

I tried to find a good audio system for my helmet for when I go practicing, I race Motocross, and I ended up tearing a jawbone Jambox apart and putting it in my helmet. My iPod Nano sits in my boot and the audio is wicked loud, louder than the engine. If anyone is familiar with dirt bikes, especially 2 strokes, you

Another reason I don't live in Texas, dollars mean as much as common sense there.....along with their massive egos.

day 5 of a doughnut shortage, cops now have resorted to Krispy Kreme or Little Debbies

Refresh the iPod lines!

Watching this was like glancing at a fat person eating fast food.... weird that you can't take your eyes off of it...........

This is too damn political.... Does anyone care about their health and safety, or has politics ruined our minds?

So the repubs are at fault here? Elaborate............ the floor is yours.

Paranoid much?

similar with the sms if imessage doesn't send?

Anything Dyson and Apple can do, Samsung can do better.