
A decrease in customer satisfaction you say?

Let's visit the Android speed clocking issue shall we?

HAHA! He is currently in Beijing, while I am stuck in college..... and he prefers Crown Royal over brews... :/ ..........

Well, I won the bet that I wouldn't burn down the Boulevard Brewery...

Yeah, I never caught on to Breaking Bad, College sucks.

Just an FYI, I tried one of these math tricks in the last video, and I burned down the bar.....

I lost them when i burned the bar down with one of these matches........

The will doesn't say that....

The worst part about living in Missouri, is paying the taxes for them to constantly repair I-70, Kansas City, Missouri to St. Louis, they keep putting top layers on the interstate, when the real problem is under those layers. they need to tear the interstate down to the bone and rebuild it.

The worst part about living in Missouri, is paying the taxes for them to constantly repair I-70, Kansas City, Missouri to St. Louis, they keep putting top layers on the interstate, when the real problem is under those layers. they need to tear the interstate down to the bone and rebuild it.

our police are corrupt!

My dad will never transfer these funds nor spend them. he is going ot die with them and they are never gonna get used... which is weird i guess. where are your shares in...Apple i am guessing?

Try having a dad who has 1800 shares of the most valuable company on the planet.... here is the trick, having those shares since the 80's at $27 a share....

Okay, Fandroids, start bitching about other things in 3.....2.....1..... GO!

That Balls trend started a year ago, as an inside joke between us developers. lol

Looks like the sugared water wasn't such a good idea after all

If you are trying to have a neutral POV, then you wouldn't call it a religion....

Good song, basic beat though.


Very commendable pics! +1 Internet points for awesome pictures!