I love reading these comments...
I love reading these comments...
Never to buy another Nissan Xterra. I had a 2005, which shot craps at 92,000 miles because the radiator plastic cracked and mixed transmission fluid and radiator fluid. Which I was never informed about it until the dealership pulled the transmission apart and showed me bent and twisted gear teeth.....
Good, because a lot of these hybrids are freakin' ugly.
Two wheels have as much rights as 4, and if you think not, then why does the government allows 2 wheels on the roads? I think we are done here.
Activate the Cruise Control while it's raining.
HAHHHAHHA! I was one of those kids who was outside all the time. My parents never bought me a tv, heck, I'm in college and I don't think I could deal with a TV in my room.
AHAHAHHHAHA...... made me laugh if u cant tell. hehe. The log made some other logs catch fire, but he wasn't satisfied, so he threw the whole tank in it.
I've seen worse.
Cue the Apple haters to come say "Tim Cook didn't save Apple".......
Thank you for being 2 days late to the party
Yeah it is, it's commonplace for every iMac.
OKAY, we get it, Apple doesn't like to let users customized their storage and memory capabilities..... BIG DEAL.
it did get soft at the end, like my desire to continue to watch it.
i have a dry sense of humor, I will throw that out there, take it or leave it, its worth more than the american dollar.... hehehehehehehe
don't go, that was pretty funny, would you like a job at Ford as the employee food lounge comedian?
Those winds had a driving force to them eh?
you, my wool covered magician, have made my day