
May I suggest this?

About time you post a review of this thing

What about this? Will this do anything?

If no upgradeable RAM, then forget about it. Question, does it have NVIDIA Graphics?

oh you sir are just awful (read: hilarious)

"Will they sound as 'good' as an authentic and considerably more expensive pair of Beats?"

I AM SICK OF THIS SPA........LOL i seriously thought this was spam!

Two wheels have as much rights as 4, and if you think not, then why does the government allows 2 wheels on the roads? I think we are done here.

check and google some other ones. the ones that are being invalidated are just a few, the media throws them up like its big news because people want to see apple fail.

Nothing excites males more than guns and sex.

Look at all the patents. Thats just a slim amount of their creativity. iPod Shuffles, Nanos, Touches, they started making the thinnest computers, the most advanced phones in 2007. I could go on.

You aren't thinking hard enough are you?

My Cousin-in-Law works for Bank of America in the R&D sector with ATM's and ATA's and mobile device application dev. These new "ATM's" are referred to as ATA's. The last "A" stands for Assistant.

I directed my statement towards Kansas..... because it was about Kansas.

It made me feel a little more intellectual after I typed it.

hahhah, indeed! You just made me laugh.

I'm not from Missouri.

Que the portly person to cannonball into the pond.

Nope. i don't have anything on Alabama.

Still as buggy and slow though