Using Instagram does not make you a photographer..........
LOL this thing costs $400 at these poor standards????
Why does Missouri get a stripped car? We aren't trashy people. Just llok at our history as a state...........
What advantage?
What do I win?
Can we PLEASE get Pioli out of Kansas City already. He is a disgrace to every Chiefs fan ever.
here comes Apple to release The New iShip
ELEVATOR!!!!!!!!! We all know that one person who tries to be a douche and swipe the whole button board to make it light up. They don't know that they are helping out Nyan Cat and Charlie
Jealous bro?
My friend lit a bonfire by soaking one log in gas, then lighting it in the pile of wood, then he threw a whole 5 gallon gas tank in it.......
I love this homo......he just makes insanely cool things
Nowhere in this video did I actually see the application in working order. Therefore, I am not persuaded to waste 3 minutes of my time in order to get it and tap to open then have it crash on me instantly.
i just liked the jailbreak that allowed it. Obviously more people like it somewhere. I do agree that it may take a way function, but to have m iPhone 5 operate like that would be pretty neat.
No, I liked the jailbreaks that allowed that. It was pretty cool.
Bye Forstall, maybe now we can get video backgrounds on our iPhones
@NYCityCrane is like @SarcasticRover
(coughs) Second opinion (coughs)