
If you no moto, then you no in the know. Plain and simple.

I have beaten a few people up. Like knocked teeth out and black eyes and bruises on stomaches.

I should have played...............

I wasn't protesting anything you said. I was protesting that the fact that people are taking politics way too far.

The genius part of this is that when people come out with this advertising, they don't understand that Obama has less going for him that anyone else. In 4 years, Obama has accrued more national debt than G.W. Bush did in his 8 years.

whyohwhyyyy are you dogging on a comment? I'm trying to make a statement about politics: that this ad takes it too far

And this is where I am trying to make my point: Why is politics brought into the world like this....

Are you glad they did the work for you because you are too slouchy? Slouching on the toilet in your parents house at the age of 30???

yourorangejuiceswagislow is a term for MX racers, so there is no correlation between the two. Trolling = negative and yourorangejuiceswagislow = positive.

My point is this: Why would you bring in politics like this?

Fun parties don't have to deal with politics. Fun parties have to deal with drinking, games, and good times.

Nah, I have people who respect me....

Obviously the person(s) who created the sentence for that ad must regret his/her/their problems in college. Maybe, instead of bringing Paul Ryan into the ordeal, maybe he(s)/she(s) should see a therapist.

It is tiny, its so tiny, it actually has its own name.......

Oh okay....

Led? like as in Led Zeppelin, or as in the thing that lights up?

I'm not doing and math, because math sucks, but thats quicker than the current stuff.

I knew the Prius wasn't as good as anyone else said it would be.

I didn't think that there was such a thing as Aromatic Flavors. But now it makes sense to me in a different way!

That is insane that you can taste a minute amount without your nose, I thought you would never be able to taste anything.