
Replacement Official Speaks Out: “The Last Guy Who Was Perfect They Nailed To A Cross”

"Holding, offense, number 117, the ball went past the foul line, the defense is awarded 4 points, the offense looses a free-throw.

What's the selling point to this car?


if they (cellcom) can beat out at&t in every way, then they have me as a customer.

Alright Giz, drop it, just say something like "A new section has been added, nothing else to see here"


My Irish side kicks in every summer when I go to Ireland. But I still don't use Foursquare there.

I'm not lying. I called AT&T on Monday and that's what they said.

I never used that term, based on some theories as to what it stands for.........

I don't have the nads to go unlocked and sim-free.

good question. isn't cricket on sprint?

If you look at it at a certain angle, it looks like a guy and a girl making humpty dumpty, the guy is standing on the left side.

dafuq? If I had done that in high school at the State Golf Tournament every time I had made a putt, I would probably be in jail.

I was speaking about KC in general terms, but I don't get where you are coming up with calling us "Invalids with basic cable".......

Oh sh!t, I should have known that. I hate politics.

I thought it did to....

Great review, very thorough!

I'm 19, <:-( but the day I turn 21, is the day i use this app to lead my to a cheap hospital after it leads me to a cheap .9 BAC.
