
When Irene was pouring her heart out at Bingo, Jimmy's look of sympathy was not even slightly authentic. He had to FAKE IT!!! Yikes.
Really heinous, that. If there was a glimmer of regret, then there's a glimmer of Jimmy, but no.
Wonder if Kim's wreck wakes him up.

It reminded me of Ray Walston in THE STAND. An act of defiance.

Gus is playing chess with Hector. That play acting he's doing w Hector is a crack up.

Ooh, Half measures! Lydia's kid reminded Mike of the church lady & her husband. The church lady is WHY Mike went with half measures.


He was, he was, just a little shrill about the celebrating.


Her friends Suck too

Gollum Gollum.

I hear ya, Froide. Holding out v settling. But would you wait if you were that old?

Erlich, HA. Tru dat.

Howard sounded like he meant it right the middle his pitch, "There's more to life than this"
That was nice.
Too bad Chuck can't ever see that. He is a consistent guy.

And activities that are critical for Irene to stay alive and well. It's big deal for seniors. Jimmy really sucks.

Ah, the unethical ethical = self sacrifice. Not the McGill way any more. Sigh.

You're not getting the degree of popularity. Given their ages, Howard absolutely would have been comfortable both w the reference, AND that Jimmy would instantly get it.



My precious, my precious.

He's right about Jimmy. He's right about Chuck. He might not be right about Sandpiper, making the clients wait. A bigger settlement doesn't help if you've died waiting for it.

Bummer about the Saul-ness.