
Or short term outraged then reassessing…but that's our Chuck.

Ya, they called it a smash cut, it jarred the he!! outta me. Really great.
Hope they can reschedule that meeting.
And I don't think Jimmy's getting that money, serves him right, what a jackhole.

Wondering when that placebo effect will give out. And if Gus will b there.

Odenkirk said the diff between Jimmy & Saul is that Jimmy maybe didn't see damage he caused, and what he could see he cared about, Saul doesn't care.
I think Irene just met Saul.

He's like everybody else, so stuck on that one thing (and he's right about Jimmy) that he can't see the clients he's representing might not have time to wait, either.

He can consult, but not practice law. Not sure where that starts & stops, but there you are…
The thing is, Jimmy doesn't even feel bad about ruining Irene's friendships. And the celebration was super forced. Sigh.


Jimmy's strung pretty tight these days, just like Phillip

But they're OLD :)

Right. Or at least not for long time. Elder care is a noble choice, Kim a good/great influence. He was really helping.

I see your point, no need to hide legal money in a safe deposit box.
Mike only needs a will for that.

I think Chuck is a poser. He doesn't forget. He's busting it for a FAST recovery so he can squash Jimmy.

Mike was warning Nacho about Gus. He should switch the pills to keep it secret from Gus.
This is lifesaving advice.

Yup, his digger double

It was weird

Jimmy's distant, too. He knows she wouldn't deal with his money raising tactics.


Great, Thanks!

I remember them saying the Good Samaritan was croaked, always thought the body was found…anyone remember who told Mike? Was it Nacho?

That would be great…then they could write something perfect. Hector getting teed off…Hector getting really happy for the first time ever…Hector getting a big, big surprise birthday party…