You should listen to the very last part of the Better Call Saul Insider podcast. Odenkirk speaks.
You should listen to the very last part of the Better Call Saul Insider podcast. Odenkirk speaks.
Timecrunch for Nacho
It can be two things.
I think it's foreshadowing how/why Kim falls.
That's interesting. After that episode, I remember the comments. Mmost people wrote that if Jimmy did not check on Chuck, he had already turned into Saul.
Agree with you on most points. With Chuck, is it the chicken or the egg?? I see decades of resentment culminating in a breakdown, mind literally blown.
Agree with you on most points. With Chuck, is it the chicken or the egg?? I see decades of resentment culminating in a breakdown, mind literally blown.
Sandpiper. That case will outlive the people who were cheated.
I'm in for Martin Starr.
Hoo boy. Beware those stairs.
Now your mailbox is like Walt's doctor's paper towel dispenser…& the roof trashcan @ HHM.
Believe it. They pulled all the Saul Goodman footage so they could comb through it for references.
BB Details are leaving me…I'm hoping they do so someday I can rewatch BB & it'll be fresh again.
Oh Good Grief, I freaking forgot. Excellent point.
Nice read. As support, if Chuck hated Jimmy, he would've taken him to court.
I also dont mean to say Jimmy's an angel…but do think dad would prob be out of business even if Jimmy was never around.
Talk about playing a long game. Gus is plotting. But I think before Hector murdered his beloved partner Gus was a regular guy.
Something snapped.
Ditto on the party not being Chucks motivation. Or even turning the lights the thing.
I think also he wants to mitigate the perception of his weakness…both for his own rep & to make Jimmy's claims seem overblown.
Of course, if I'm wrong then the problems Jimmy instigated w Chuck's insurance could be a dream quasher for…
That was a slow burn line, so great
While I take your point that Jimmy McGill had Fun conning & not really much Fun lawyering, & so that's more his nature…either as Jimmy or as Saul, he always hustled. Both senses of the word.
There's all kinds of ways for someone like his dad to lose money, deadbeats & cons. Prob degenerate gamblers, too, there's a horsetrack in Cicero.